EnsembleGovServices / kamodo-sunpy

A functional interface to Sunpy's underlying data structures and transformations
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Set up environment on heliocloud #1

Open asher-pembroke opened 2 years ago

asher-pembroke commented 2 years ago

Main cloud log-in https://pyhcschool.heliocloud.org/ Default environment NOT ready for kamodo Need to follow up with brian thomas to share the dependency list for kamodo so it can be downloaded and used in the heliocloud environment there will be a repo for heliophysics notebook we can pull from

will need to get sunpy-kamodo into panhelio cloud by May 1 https://pyhcschool.heliocloud.org/user/asherp/lab The docker container to build on is this https://git.mysmce.com/heliocloud/ panhelio-docker-images/-/tree/main/helio-notebook-py add any data you need to shared https://pyhcschool.heliocloud.org/user/asherp/lab https://git.mysmce.com/heliocloud/panhelio-docker-images.git

asher-pembroke commented 2 years ago

Tried to build this base image: https://git.mysmce.com/heliocloud/panhelio-docker-images/-/tree/main/base-image Build fails with the following error:

 => ERROR [7/7] RUN echo "Installing Miniforge..."     && URL="https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/download/4.10.3-7/Miniforge3-4.10.3-7-Linux-x86_64.sh"    24.6s 
 > [7/7] RUN echo "Installing Miniforge..."     && URL="https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/download/4.10.3-7/Miniforge3-4.10.3-7-Linux-x86_64.sh"     && wget --quiet ${URL} -O miniconda.sh     && /bin/bash miniconda.sh -u -b -p /srv/conda     && rm miniconda.sh     && conda install -y -c conda-forge mamba=0.17     && mamba clean -afy     && find /srv/conda -follow -type f -name '*.a' -delete     && find /srv/conda -follow -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete:
#11 0.042 Installing Miniforge...
#11 24.25 PREFIX=/srv/conda
#11 24.52 Unpacking payload ...
#11 24.53 qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2': No such file or directory
#11 24.53 miniconda.sh: line 365: /srv/conda/preconda.tar.bz2: No such file or directory
  53 |     
  54 | >>> RUN echo "Installing Miniforge..." \
  55 | >>>     && URL="https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/download/${CONDA_VERSION}/Miniforge3-${CONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh" \
  56 | >>>     && wget --quiet ${URL} -O miniconda.sh \
  57 | >>>     && /bin/bash miniconda.sh -u -b -p ${CONDA_DIR} \
  58 | >>>     && rm miniconda.sh \
  59 | >>>     && conda install -y -c conda-forge mamba=${MAMBA_VERSION} \
  60 | >>>     && mamba clean -afy \
  61 | >>>     && find ${CONDA_DIR} -follow -type f -name '*.a' -delete \
  62 | >>>     && find ${CONDA_DIR} -follow -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete
  63 |     
error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c echo \"Installing Miniforge...\"     && URL=\"https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/download/${CONDA_VERSION}/Miniforge3-${CONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh\"     && wget --quiet ${URL} -O miniconda.sh     && /bin/bash miniconda.sh -u -b -p ${CONDA_DIR}     && rm miniconda.sh     && conda install -y -c conda-forge mamba=${MAMBA_VERSION}     && mamba clean -afy     && find ${CONDA_DIR} -follow -type f -name '*.a' -delete     && find ${CONDA_DIR} -follow -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
asher-pembroke commented 2 years ago

I'm running this on a mac M1 chip