Ensono / Amido.Ecommerce.UI.Federated

Federated Modules Production Grade boilerplate for Next
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Add rollup for libs #72

Open AlzAmido opened 2 years ago

AlzAmido commented 2 years ago

Currently the libraries are built using Webpack and generate a "build" folder containing "umd" files.

this was acceptable in terms of POC but the final state should be as follows: 1) use Rollup instead of Webpack 2) produce a "lib" folder as output 3) produce ESM and CJS versions of the same build in the folder according to rollup config provided. 4) make sure dependencies are not bundled in for production execution 5) dependencies can be bundled in development mode (please reason on why and how) 6) typescript declaration files to be also available in the lib folder 7) demonstrate consumption of the built package

ESTIMATION: analysis: 1d development: testing: