Enteligenz / StardewMods

Collection of my Stardew Valley mods.
MIT License
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Modify TwitchBot initialization #5

Closed SocksTheWolf closed 1 month ago

SocksTheWolf commented 1 month ago

Right now the system initializes and executes in the mod's main entry loop, which on first time install, is before the config json is created. This ends up leaving users having to restart even after configuring, which can be confusing and also breaks GMCM's mantra that "configs can be changed without a restart".

If we modified the initialization to be during loading of a save, then we can have a more straightforward system that doesn't require user restarts.

Enteligenz commented 1 month ago

That would definitely make more sense, yup. I can look into it sometime, unless you were already intending to.