Enter-tainer / cxx2flow

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Want to support #ifdefine and inline functions #51

Closed haoliu001 closed 3 months ago

haoliu001 commented 3 months ago

Dear authors,

I try to put inline functions and '#if define' code into the code, it seems that it does not support them. Do you have any plan for supporting them in the futhure.

Enter-tainer commented 3 months ago

it can already handle preprocessors by using this parameter:

--cpp              Use C preprocessor

regards to inline function, i dont know what's the problem

haoliu001 commented 3 months ago

A wonderful tool.

I use this command (cxx2flow-windows-amd64.exe --cpp arm_avgpool_s8.cpp arm_avgpool_s8 | dot -Tdot -o arm_avgpool_s8.dot) on windows to parse the following functions. It always give me an error "←[31m×←[0m program not found". Could you help me?

The code:

define ARM_MATH_MVEI 0

define ARM_MATH_DSP 1

inline int32_t arm_avgpool_s8_get_buffer_size(const int output_x, const int ch_src) { (void)output_x;

if defined(ARM_MATH_DSP) && !defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI)

return (ch_src * sizeof(int32_t));


return 0;



if defined(ARM_MATH_DSP) && !defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI)

static void scale_q31_to_q7_and_clamp(const q31_t buffer, q7_t target, int32_t length, const int32_t count, const int act_min, const int act_max) { const int half_count = count / 2;

// Prevent static code issue DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
if (count == 0)

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    int32_t sum = buffer[i] > 0 ? (buffer[i] + half_count) : (buffer[i] - half_count);
    sum = sum / count;
    sum = MAX(sum, act_min);
    sum = MIN(sum, act_max);

    target[i] = (q7_t)sum;



if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI)

arm_status arm_avgpool_s8(const cmsis_nn_context ctx, const cmsis_nn_pool_params pool_params, const cmsis_nn_dims input_dims, const q7_t src, const cmsis_nn_dims filter_dims, const cmsis_nn_dims output_dims, q7_t *dst) { (void)ctx; const int32_t input_y = input_dims->h; const int32_t input_x = input_dims->w; const int32_t output_y = output_dims->h; const int32_t output_x = output_dims->w; const int32_t stride_y = pool_params->stride.h; const int32_t stride_x = pool_params->stride.w; const int32_t kernel_y = filter_dims->h; const int32_t kernel_x = filter_dims->w; const int32_t pad_y = pool_params->padding.h; const int32_t pad_x = pool_params->padding.w; const int32_t act_min = pool_params->activation.min; const int32_t act_max = pool_params->activation.max; const int32_t ch_src = input_dims->c;

int32_t i_x, i_y;
int32_t k_x, k_y;

for (i_y = 0; i_y < output_y; i_y++)
    for (i_x = 0; i_x < output_x; i_x++)

        int32_t k_y_start, k_y_end;
        int32_t k_x_start, k_x_end;
        int32_t chCnt;
        const int8_t *pTmp, *pTmpInner;
        int8_t *pDst;

        k_y_start = MAX(0, i_y * stride_y - pad_y);
        k_y_end = MIN(i_y * stride_y - pad_y + kernel_y, input_y);

        k_x_start = MAX(0, i_x * stride_x - pad_x);
        k_x_end = MIN(i_x * stride_x - pad_x + kernel_x, input_x);

        pTmp = src;
        pDst = &dst[ch_src * (i_x + i_y * output_x)];

        chCnt = ch_src >> 4;
        while (chCnt > 0)
            int32x4_t sumV1, sumV2, sumV3, sumV4;

            int8x16_t tempV;
            int16x8_t tempVLO, tempVHI;
            int32x4_t tempVLOLO, tempVLOHI, tempVHILO, tempVHIHI;
            int32_t count = 0;

            sumV1 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
            sumV2 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
            sumV3 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
            sumV4 = vdupq_n_s32(0);

            for (k_y = k_y_start; k_y < k_y_end; k_y++)
                for (k_x = k_x_start; k_x < k_x_end; k_x++)
                    pTmpInner = pTmp + (ch_src * (k_x + k_y * input_x));
                    tempV = vldrbq_s8(pTmpInner);

                    tempVLO = vmovlbq_s8(tempV);
                    tempVHI = vmovltq_s8(tempV);

                    tempVLOLO = vmovlbq_s16(tempVLO);
                    tempVLOHI = vmovltq_s16(tempVLO);

                    tempVHILO = vmovlbq_s16(tempVHI);
                    tempVHIHI = vmovltq_s16(tempVHI);

                    sumV1 = vaddq_s32(sumV1, tempVLOLO);
                    sumV2 = vaddq_s32(sumV2, tempVLOHI);
                    sumV3 = vaddq_s32(sumV3, tempVHILO);
                    sumV4 = vaddq_s32(sumV4, tempVHIHI);


            // Prevent static code issue DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
            if (count == 0)
                return ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

            sumV1[0] = sumV1[0] > 0 ? (sumV1[0] + count / 2) / count : (sumV1[0] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV1[1] = sumV1[1] > 0 ? (sumV1[1] + count / 2) / count : (sumV1[1] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV1[2] = sumV1[2] > 0 ? (sumV1[2] + count / 2) / count : (sumV1[2] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV1[3] = sumV1[3] > 0 ? (sumV1[3] + count / 2) / count : (sumV1[3] - count / 2) / count;

            sumV2[0] = sumV2[0] > 0 ? (sumV2[0] + count / 2) / count : (sumV2[0] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV2[1] = sumV2[1] > 0 ? (sumV2[1] + count / 2) / count : (sumV2[1] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV2[2] = sumV2[2] > 0 ? (sumV2[2] + count / 2) / count : (sumV2[2] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV2[3] = sumV2[3] > 0 ? (sumV2[3] + count / 2) / count : (sumV2[3] - count / 2) / count;

            sumV3[0] = sumV3[0] > 0 ? (sumV3[0] + count / 2) / count : (sumV3[0] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV3[1] = sumV3[1] > 0 ? (sumV3[1] + count / 2) / count : (sumV3[1] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV3[2] = sumV3[2] > 0 ? (sumV3[2] + count / 2) / count : (sumV3[2] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV3[3] = sumV3[3] > 0 ? (sumV3[3] + count / 2) / count : (sumV3[3] - count / 2) / count;

            sumV4[0] = sumV4[0] > 0 ? (sumV4[0] + count / 2) / count : (sumV4[0] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV4[1] = sumV4[1] > 0 ? (sumV4[1] + count / 2) / count : (sumV4[1] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV4[2] = sumV4[2] > 0 ? (sumV4[2] + count / 2) / count : (sumV4[2] - count / 2) / count;
            sumV4[3] = sumV4[3] > 0 ? (sumV4[3] + count / 2) / count : (sumV4[3] - count / 2) / count;

            sumV1 = vmaxq_s32(sumV1, vdupq_n_s32(act_min));
            sumV1 = vminq_s32(sumV1, vdupq_n_s32(act_max));

            sumV2 = vmaxq_s32(sumV2, vdupq_n_s32(act_min));
            sumV2 = vminq_s32(sumV2, vdupq_n_s32(act_max));

            sumV3 = vmaxq_s32(sumV3, vdupq_n_s32(act_min));
            sumV3 = vminq_s32(sumV3, vdupq_n_s32(act_max));

            sumV4 = vmaxq_s32(sumV4, vdupq_n_s32(act_min));
            sumV4 = vminq_s32(sumV4, vdupq_n_s32(act_max));

            tempVLO = vmovnbq_s32(tempVLO, sumV1);
            tempVLO = vmovntq_s32(tempVLO, sumV2);

            tempVHI = vmovnbq_s32(tempVHI, sumV3);
            tempVHI = vmovntq_s32(tempVHI, sumV4);

            tempV = vmovnbq_s16(tempV, tempVLO);
            tempV = vmovntq_s16(tempV, tempVHI);

            vstrbq_s8(pDst, tempV);
            pDst += 16;

            pTmp += 16;

        chCnt = ch_src & 0xF;
        while (chCnt > 0)
            int32_t sum = 0;
            int32_t count = 0;

            for (k_y = k_y_start; k_y < k_y_end; k_y++)
                for (k_x = k_x_start; k_x < k_x_end; k_x++)
                    sum += pTmp[ch_src * (k_x + k_y * input_x)];

            // Prevent static code issue DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
            if (count == 0)
                return ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

            sum = sum > 0 ? (sum + count / 2) / count : (sum - count / 2) / count;
            sum = MAX(sum, act_min);
            sum = MIN(sum, act_max);

            *pDst++ = sum;




arm_status arm_avgpool_s8(const cmsis_nn_context ctx, const cmsis_nn_pool_params pool_params, const cmsis_nn_dims input_dims, const q7_t src, const cmsis_nn_dims filter_dims, const cmsis_nn_dims output_dims, q7_t *dst) { const int32_t input_y = input_dims->h; const int32_t input_x = input_dims->w; const int32_t output_y = output_dims->h; const int32_t output_x = output_dims->w; const int32_t stride_y = pool_params->stride.h; const int32_t stride_x = pool_params->stride.w; const int32_t kernel_y = filter_dims->h; const int32_t kernel_x = filter_dims->w; const int32_t pad_y = pool_params->padding.h; const int32_t pad_x = pool_params->padding.w; const int32_t act_min = pool_params->activation.min; const int32_t act_max = pool_params->activation.max; const int32_t ch_src = input_dims->c;

if (ctx->buf == NULL && arm_avgpool_s8_get_buffer_size(output_dims->w, input_dims->c))
q31_t *buffer = (q31_t *)ctx->buf;

if defined(ARM_MATH_DSP)

/* Run the following code for CPU's with DSP extension
for (int i_y = 0, idx_y = -pad_y; i_y < output_y; idx_y += stride_y, i_y++)
    for (int i_x = 0, idx_x = -pad_x; i_x < output_x; idx_x += stride_x, i_x++)
        /* Condition for kernel start dimension:
                  (base_idx_<x,y> + kernel_<x,y>_start) >= 0 */
        const int32_t kernel_y_start = MAX(0, -idx_y);
        const int32_t kernel_x_start = MAX(0, -idx_x);

        /* Condition for kernel end dimension:
               (base_idx_<x,y> + kernel_<x,y>_end) < dim_src_<width,height> */
        const int32_t kernel_y_end = MIN(kernel_y, input_y - idx_y);
        const int32_t kernel_x_end = MIN(kernel_x, input_x - idx_x);

        int count = 0;

        for (int k_y = kernel_y_start; k_y < kernel_y_end; k_y++)
            for (int k_x = kernel_x_start; k_x < kernel_x_end; k_x++)
                const q7_t *start = src + ch_src * (k_x + idx_x + (k_y + idx_y) * input_x);

                if (count == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ch_src; i++)
                        buffer[i] = start[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ch_src; i++)
                        buffer[i] = __QADD(start[i], buffer[i]);

        // Prevent static code issue DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
        if (count == 0)
            return ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

        scale_q31_to_q7_and_clamp(buffer, dst, ch_src, count, act_min, act_max);
        dst += ch_src;


/* Reference C code adapted from CMSIS-NN arm_avepool_q7_HWC.
int16_t i_ch_in, i_x, i_y;
int16_t k_x, k_y;

for (i_y = 0; i_y < output_y; i_y++)
    for (i_x = 0; i_x < output_x; i_x++)
        for (i_ch_in = 0; i_ch_in < ch_src; i_ch_in++)
            int sum = 0;
            int count = 0;
            for (k_y = i_y * stride_y - pad_y; k_y < i_y * stride_y - pad_y + kernel_y; k_y++)
                for (k_x = i_x * stride_x - pad_x; k_x < i_x * stride_x - pad_x + kernel_x; k_x++)
                    if (k_y >= 0 && k_x >= 0 && k_y < input_y && k_x < input_x)
                        sum += src[i_ch_in + ch_src * (k_x + k_y * input_x)];

            // Prevent static code issue DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
            if (count == 0)
                return ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

            sum = sum > 0 ? (sum + count / 2) / count : (sum - count / 2) / count;
            sum = MAX(sum, act_min);
            sum = MIN(sum, act_max);

            dst[i_ch_in + ch_src * (i_x + i_y * output_x)] = sum;




Enter-tainer commented 3 months ago

It always give me an error "←[31m×←[0m program not found". Could you help me?

to use --cpp you need have a c preprocessor in your path. it is almost equivlent to something like gcc -E

haoliu001 commented 3 months ago

Dear author,

Thanks for your advice. I solve the #ifdefine issue by installing gcc. But I am still facing the inline function issue. For example, I execute the following codes by "cxx2flow-windows-amd64.exe --cpp test.cpp main| dot -Tpng -o test.png" command. But I do not find the inline function has been included in the picture (shown as below).

using namespace std; inline int cube(int s) { return s * s; } int main() { int x = 100; x = cube(5); return x; }


Enter-tainer commented 3 months ago

sounds like a bug🤔 i will see if i can reproduce it

Enter-tainer commented 3 months ago

you use chinese semicolon in code. So it's not cxx2flow's fault image