Enterprise-CMCS / eAPD

CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) eAPD - Modernizing the APD experience
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[Feature] Add MBES line numbers to Budget #4648

Open thetif opened 1 year ago

thetif commented 1 year ago

Description and related issues

In order to build the MDBT table, we need to store the MBES line numbers for the different cost categories. These are based on the APD Type, Funding Category, Fed-State Split, and Cost Category. Jerome created this flow diagram to explain which line number goes with what configuration of the above.

MDBT/MBES Classification Flow

We need to store these values in the budget under the activityTotals because they will be different for each activity. They should be determined as part of the budget calculation.

Their schemas should look like

// HITECH (values are always the same regardless of split)
const budgetSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
        activityTotals: [{
            mbes: {
                statePersonnel: String, // always 24C
                expenses: String, // always 24C
                contractors: String, // always 24D
                epAmt: String, // always 24E
                ehAmt: String // always 24F

const budgetSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
        activityTotals: [{
            mbes: {
                statePersonnel: String, // DDI - 2A, M&O - 5A
                expenses: String, // DDI - 2A, M&O - 5A
                contractors: String, // DDI 2B, M&O - 5B
                interagencyCost: String // only for M&O - 5C

Acceptance criteria

Testing criteria

Given When Then Covered
a HITECH APD the activity has any funding source mbes should be set to
mbes: { statePersonnel: '24C', expenses: '24C', contractors: '24D', epAmt: '24E', ehAmt: '24F' }
a MMIS APD the activity has funding category DDI mbes should be set to
mbes: { statePersonnel: '2A', expenses: '2A', contractors: '2B', interagencyCost: '' }
a MMIS APD the activity has funding category M&O mbes should be set to
mbes: { statePersonnel: '5A', expenses: '5A', contractors: '5B', interagencyCost: '5C' }