Enterprise-CMCS / eAPD

CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) eAPD - Modernizing the APD experience
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[Feature] Implement APD Lock and Unlock #4657

Open thetif opened 1 year ago

thetif commented 1 year ago

Description and related issues

Add fields for lockedAt and lockedBy to the APD schema. Create constants for APD_EVENT_TYPE with APD_LOCKED and APD_UNLOCKED.

Locking When a user calls the get APD endpoint, check to see if the lockedAt and lockedBy fields of the APD have values. If they do, then the user can got access the APD and an error message should be returned. If the fields are empty, then they should be updated with the current time and current user. An entry should also be added to the apd_events table in postgress using createEventForAPD with an APD_LOCKED event.

Unlocking Add an endpoint to unlock an APD that calls a function to unlock an APD. It should clear out lockedAt and lockedBy in the APD. It should also call the createEventForAPD with an APD_UNLOCKED event, the metadata field can be used to save the reason for the unlock [LOGOUT, TIMEOUT, LEFT_APD, CLOSED_WINDOW] which might give interesting stats.

This new endpoint should be called by the frontend actions that track logging out, timing out, leaving an APD, or closing an APD.

Acceptance criteria

Testing criteria

Given When Then Covered
an unlocked APD a user opens the APD the APD is updated with the current date and username and the lock even is logged
a locked APD another user attempts to open the APD an error message is returned
a locked APD the locking user logs out the APD is updated to empty out the lock fields and the unlock event is logged
a locked APD the locking user's session times out the APD is updated to empty out the lock fields and the unlock event is logged
a locked APD the locking user navigates away from the APD the APD is updated to empty out the lock fields and the unlock event is logged
a locked APD the locking user closes the window the APD is updated to empty out the lock fields and the unlock event is logged