Enterprise-CMCS / eAPD

CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) eAPD - Modernizing the APD experience
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[Feature] Update the dashboard to display locked status #4658

Open thetif opened 1 year ago

thetif commented 1 year ago

Description and related issues

Locked APDs should have disabled links (link to open the APD and link to delete) with color #5A5A5A. They should display a locked message "In Use: This APD is currently being locked by another user.." It should also display "Locked:" and the date of lockedAt instead of "Lasted edited:". The figma shows a Last edited by and Locked by, but Akua decided we won't use names right now. We will still be logging them in the APD though.

When the APD unlocks, the links will be enabled, the locked message will be removed and Last edited will replace Locked.

Mockups or link to Figma

Design ticket #4016 https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=5016%3A22717&t=COWHWEvjG4Ksdv6G-1

Behind the scene changes

Frontend only

Acceptance criteria

Testing criteria

Given When Then Covered
the APD List view an APD is locked it's links are disabled, it displays the locked message, and Last edited becomes Locked
the APD List view an APD is unlocked it's links are enabled, it doesn't display the locked message, and has a Last edited and not a Locked time
stephanieboydcms commented 1 year ago

Good to go!