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Upgrade NPM Packages #1056

Closed gsong closed 1 year ago

gsong commented 3 years ago

Guess what? Gatsby packages are out of date again. As of 2021-03-11:

Package                         Current Wanted  Latest
bl                              4.0.3   4.0.3   4.1.0
gatsby                          2.32.11 2.32.11 3.0.4
gatsby-cli                      2.19.2  2.19.2  3.0.0
gatsby-image                    2.11.0  2.11.0  3.0.0
gatsby-plugin-catch-links       2.10.0  2.10.0  3.0.0
gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager 2.11.0  2.11.0  3.0.0
gatsby-plugin-manifest          2.12.1  2.12.1  3.0.0
gatsby-plugin-mdx               1.10.1  1.10.1  2.0.1
gatsby-plugin-netlify           2.11.0  2.11.0  3.0.0
gatsby-plugin-react-helmet      3.10.0  3.10.0  4.0.0
gatsby-plugin-sass              3.2.0   3.2.0   4.0.2
gatsby-plugin-sharp             2.14.3  2.14.3  3.0.1
gatsby-plugin-sitemap           2.12.0  2.12.0  3.0.0
gatsby-remark-autolink-headers  2.11.0  2.11.0  3.0.0
gatsby-remark-images            3.11.1  3.11.1  4.0.0
gatsby-remark-prismjs           3.13.0  3.13.0  4.0.0
gatsby-source-filesystem        2.11.1  2.11.1  3.0.0
gatsby-transformer-json         2.11.0  2.11.0  3.0.0
gatsby-transformer-remark       2.16.1  2.16.1  3.0.0
gatsby-transformer-sharp        2.12.1  2.12.1  3.0.0
husky                           4.3.8   4.3.8   5.1.3
remark-admonitions              1.3.0   exotic  exotic
remark-frontmatter              2.0.0   2.0.0   3.0.0
remark-stringify                8.1.1   8.1.1   9.0.1
epbarger commented 3 years ago

Maybe we should turn on Github's "dependabot" tool to get some actionable reminders to upgrade stuff?

gsong commented 3 years ago

Maybe, or that might be too chatty. Not sure how finely you can tune the settings for dependabot for non-security related updates.

Another proposal is to make it someone's chore once every couple weeks.

epbarger commented 3 years ago

@gsong should we close this, or did you want this issue to be an ongoing thing?

jericson-edb commented 3 years ago

I'm working through the outdated packages and I hit this error when I upgraded bootstrap to 5.0.1. I'm trying some of the suggestions in that issue to see if I can isolate the problem.