By installing version 15.6, PgAdmin points to version 12 binaries and the backup does not work.
if we specify the pgadmin runtime directory it doesn't work either.
2 dlls are missing in the pgadmin runtime directory: libzstd.dll and liblz4.dll (
they are present in the bin directory of the postgresql server directory)
And indeed, if we specify the bin directory of the postgresql server the backup works.
We have a program that looks for the postgresql server path in the windows registry.
Since version 15.6 which is normally a minor version, the version number in the registry contains the minor version and not the major version (15.6 instead of 15 as with versions 10 to 15.4) (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PostgreSQL 15.6).
Is this normal, why only since the 15.6 version and will it always be like this ?
What would be the best way to know the postgreSQL server directory (pg_dump) chosen by the user ?
2 pb :