Trying to understand the nature of the issue. Any help would be appreciated. I know this project hasn't gotten any recent attention, but I'm hoping to utilize this library in our production environment.
Version info:
Spark SQL - version 2.4.3
Postgres - 10.9.0
Hadoop Common Library - version 2.6.4
hive-standalone-bin - version 1.0.1
hdfs_fdw - latest master
CREATE SCHEMA analytics_cassandra;
CREATE SERVER analytics_cassandra_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER hdfs_fdw
OPTIONS (host '', port '10000', client_type 'spark');
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE analytics_cassandra.organization_metadata (
id INT,
destroyed BOOLEAN,
name TEXT,
timestamp BIGINT
) SERVER analytics_cassandra_server OPTIONS (dbname 'default', table_name 'organization_metadata');
Here's what happens during a SELECT *
I have no name!@redash-postgresql-0:/$ psql -U postgres
psql (10.9)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \c redash
You are now connected to database "redash" as user "postgres".
redash=# SELECT * FROM analytics_cassandra.organization_metadata LIMIT 1;
id | destroyed | name | timestamp
14379 | f | None of your Business | 1552679197624386604
(1 row)
Here's what happens during a SELECT timestamp:
redash=# SELECT timestamp FROM analytics_cassandra.organization_metadata LIMIT 1;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "timestamp"
I've tried specifying the type of the column I'm selecting, to no success
redash=# SELECT timestamp::bigint FROM analytics_cassandra.organization_metadata LIMIT 1;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "timestamp"
This actually seems to be caused by having the field called "timestamp". Any BIGINT fields called "timestamp" runs into this error. Any BIGINT fields not called "timestamp" do fine.
Trying to understand the nature of the issue. Any help would be appreciated. I know this project hasn't gotten any recent attention, but I'm hoping to utilize this library in our production environment.
Version info: Spark SQL - version 2.4.3 Postgres - 10.9.0 Hadoop Common Library - version 2.6.4 hive-standalone-bin - version 1.0.1 hdfs_fdw - latest master
Here's my table in hive
Here's my table is postgres
Here's what happens during a
Here's what happens during a
SELECT timestamp
:I've tried specifying the type of the column I'm selecting, to no success