EnterpriseDB / mongo_fdw

PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for MongoDB
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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wrappe geografic functions #52

Open guibsou opened 8 years ago

guibsou commented 8 years ago

Hi !

great job !

Do you think if it's possible to implement geo function in a futur release ? a bbox search with $within operator for example.

i'have testing this configuration but no geo filter is set in the mongo query .

    _id NAME,
    code_ligne TEXT,
    rg_troncon text,
    pk_debut_r text,
    pk_fin_r text,
    libelle TEXT,
    geometry json
SERVER mongo_server_house
OPTIONS (database 'test', collection 'lignes4');

create view ligne_view5 as select  (SELECT code_ligne || rg_troncon)::integer as gid , code_ligne, rg_troncon, pk_debut_r, pk_fin_r, libelle, st_transform(ST_SetSRID(st_geomfromgeojson(geometry::TEXT),4326),2154) as the_geom from ligne7

select * from ligne_view5 where code_ligne = '905000'

attribute filter is set on where clause

but in qgis , no bbox area filter is set on .where clause

thanks for reply.


ahsanhadi commented 8 years ago

We need to get this feature prioritised by our product management team...