EnterpriseQualityCoding / FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition

FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes.
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Event Sourcing is urgently required #476

Open DunetsNM opened 3 years ago

DunetsNM commented 3 years ago

Enterprise Users and Auditors should not just be able to see current fizzes and buzzes but also have complete and accurate history of events that led to the current state of the system.

Please make sure that every change to the state of an application is captured in an event object, and that these event objects are themselves persisted in the sequence they were applied for the same lifetime as the application state itself.

Tylersuard commented 3 years ago

Hello DunetsNM. We are planning to implement the changes you suggested, but in email form: every time a change is made to the application, all users will be emailed those changes, as well as every change ever made to the application.