In a strategic decision our institution which has built its entire product variety on FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition will move on to Blockchain.
This will pacify our shareholders and improve our capability of using more buzz-words in PowerPoint-Presentations.
There is no way FBEE has a future without additional mechanisms that provide its transparency and availability like Blockchain does.
Any input is required to be recorded in the chain and distributed among all other stakeholders.
In the future the can be also a Crypto-Extension to use FizzBuzz Coins in order to pay for the calculations. But that's something for the future. I suggest an emergency meeting with all involved parties to decide which DLT should be used.
In a strategic decision our institution which has built its entire product variety on FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition will move on to Blockchain. This will pacify our shareholders and improve our capability of using more buzz-words in PowerPoint-Presentations.
There is no way FBEE has a future without additional mechanisms that provide its transparency and availability like Blockchain does. Any input is required to be recorded in the chain and distributed among all other stakeholders.
In the future the can be also a Crypto-Extension to use FizzBuzz Coins in order to pay for the calculations. But that's something for the future. I suggest an emergency meeting with all involved parties to decide which DLT should be used.