EnterpriseQualityCoding / FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition

FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes.
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I live in a treehouse #557

Open DavesUnderscoreTreehouse opened 2 years ago

DavesUnderscoreTreehouse commented 2 years ago

Does this app support such high altitudes for when I am in my treehouse? Just to specify my treehouse is in a tree. My friend lives in a cave so is there support down there too? One last question, I do not have hands so I'm not in possession of a fork, how would I go about forking the project?

chebyshevvv commented 2 years ago

Dear Daves, thanks for your questions. There are the replies about them. 1: It main depends on how tall your tree is. If it is very very tall , nobody know what amazing things will happen.Besides, it is also important that your house is at the top of the tree or at the waist of the tree. 2: see above. 3: You can ask your friend in the cave to help to fork the project.

emiln commented 2 years ago

Hello, Daves, and thank you for reaching out. The support model for FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition (FBEE) and the altitudes at which it may be used is really very straight forward, indeed.

To use the application in a supported manner and altitude you must simply:

  1. Complete the FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition Entry Level User Training Course (FBEEELUTC) hosted by our affiliate company FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionAcademy (FBEEA). To learn more about pricing, fill out their comprehensive online form to be contacted by sales at their discretion to discuss your business needs irt. FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition training.
  2. Upon completion of the FBEEELUTC you'll be granted a code that lets you sign up on the FBEEELUTC website for a FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionInteractiveSession (FBEEIS) where you can exercise the software. Note that the website is occasionally down due to issues with a legacy system integration, in which case you can call their hotline and use the voucher code "FizzBuzz22" when asked by the phone bot.
  3. Having booked your FBEEIS you'll be contacted by sales to discuss the needs and expectations of the outcome of your FBEEIS. After reaching an agreement on pricing and non-disclosure terms, you'll soon receive a fax with further instructions about payment and contractual work.
  4. Upon FBEEA's successful reception of payment and signed NDAs you'll be called up by sales to discuss the next part of the planning of your FBEEIS: transportation to our premises. Note that to qualify for an FBEEIS you must be able to muster at least 10 people with certificates for FBEEELUTC completion due to our contract with the transportation firm.
  5. Having arranged transportation to the FBEEIS you'll be picked up by an official FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionInteractiveSessionPartyBus (FBEEISPB) at the time and place agreed upon. The FBEEISPB will take you straight to our certified FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionInteractiveSessionFacilities (FBEEISF). For security reasons we can not provide further details about the length or time of the travel, so be sure to plan accordingly. For security reasons you also can not bring any electronics and must wear the provided clothing.
  6. Upon arrival at the certified FBEEISF you'll be met with a team of certified FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionAcademyGurus (FBEEAG) who will lead you to a secure bunker with an air-gapped FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition system ready to go.
  7. The FBEEAG will lead you through a brief 4-hour instruction drill to prepare you for the FBEEIS as you'd expect.
  8. You can now exercise the FBEE software by performing your FBEEIS in accordance with the terms in the contract you entered into with FBEEA while in the air-gapped bunker in the FBEEISF. Note that leaving the premises prematurely or performing any free-form fizz-buzzing (such as computing FizzBuzz beyond the range of 1 to 100) may result in a breach of contract and will be pursued by FBEEA to the fullest extent of the law.
  9. Upon the successful completion of your FBEEIS you'll be escorted out of the FBEEISF by the FBEEAG back to the FBEEISPB, which will conclude your FBEEIS.
  10. Immediately after leaving the FBEEISF a short 4-hour debriefing will be held to ensure a proper off-boarding.

Should you need to perform fizz-buzzing in a supported manner again in the future you can simply run through the steps again. If you book your second FBEEIS within 2 months of the completion of your FBEEELUTC you can even skip straight to step 2.

I hope this clears up which altitudes are supported for exercising our FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition app. In summary: that is confidential as it might reveal the location of our FBEEISF and has hence been omitted from the response.

Let me know if you have any further questions about altitudes or other aspects of FBEE.

Phyrik commented 2 years ago

Hi @emiln, this is Daves's secretary here and he wanted me to pass on a couple messages regarding your answer.

First of all, he'd like to know if the FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionInteractiveSessionPartyBus (FBEEISPB) has the right facilities to provide a fork and someone to use the fork in order to enable him to fork the project. He says this is a vital part of the process and needs looked into ASAP.

Second, he wants to know if the FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionAcademyGurus (FBEEAG) are fully certified with the FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionStateUniversityCourse (FBEESUC), seeing as that's the only course with stainless steel forks and he's allergic to all other types of forks.

Much thanks, Scott.

Tylersuard commented 2 years ago

@Phyrik Steve from the motorpool told Jeff in accounting to tell me to tell you that the FizzBuzzEnterpriseEditionInteractiveSessionPartyBus is in the shop and has been for months. Dave will need to walk to the facility. Unfortunately, because the location of the facility is a secret, we still cannot give Dave its location. Have Dave just walk in random directions please, and we here at the facilities will call out his name.

Phyrik commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Tylersuard, I'll make sure to tell him to get his ear cones on to ensure he's got the best chance of hearing you.