When I try to create an upload using the following code, I get the error below: "Please specify a valid user". But I am creating a public link, so what user do I need to specify?
Can you please help with what I am not doing correctly? Would really appreciate that. Thanks.
Hi @matejak ,
When I try to create an upload using the following code, I get the error below: "Please specify a valid user". But I am creating a public link, so what user do I need to specify?
Can you please help with what I am not doing correctly? Would really appreciate that. Thanks.
nxc = NextCloud(endpoint=NEXTCLOUD_URL, user=NEXTCLOUD_USERNAME, password=NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD, json_output=to_js)
aa = nxc.create_share('/Reports/sample_leads_data_for_testing.tsv', ShareType.PUBLIC_LINK) print(aa.full_data)
The error I get is as follows:
{'ocs': {'meta': {'status': 'failure', 'statuscode': 404, 'message': 'Please specify a valid user'}, 'data': []}}