EnterpriseyIntranet / nextcloud-API

NextCloud OCS API for Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for WebDAV SystemTags #67

Open luffah opened 3 years ago

luffah commented 3 years ago


The tags features is not yet supported by this lib. Given i need this feature for a project, for now, i just added a plugin. Below the code.

Shall i fork and PR the mod ? (i don't know if the project still active)

import re
import requests
import json
from nextcloud import NextCloud as _Nextcloud
from nextcloud.api_wrappers import OCS_API_CLASSES
from nextcloud.api_wrappers.webdav import File, WebDAV
from nextcloud.base import WithRequester
from nextcloud.requester import WebDAVRequester, WebDAVResponse
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

# to simplify code parts with DAV requests
XML_REQUEST_PROPFIND_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="http://owncloud.org/ns"

def build_xml_propfind_query(oc_fields=[], d_fields=[]):
    props_xml = ""
    for field in d_fields:
        props_xml += "<d:{} />".format(field)
    for field in oc_fields:
        props_xml += "<oc:{} />".format(field)
    return XML_REQUEST_PROPFIND_TEMPLATE.format(props_xml)

Stick new classes to nextcloud_api lib


class WebDAVExtented(WebDAV):

    def get_file_property(self, uid, path, field, tag='oc'):
        get_file_prop_xpath = '{DAV:}propstat/d:prop/%s:%s' % (tag, field)
        data = build_xml_propfind_query([field])

        additional_url = uid
        additional_url = "{}/{}".format(uid, path)
        resp = self.requester.propfind(
            headers={"Depth": str(0)},

        response_data = resp.data
        resp.data = None

        if not resp.is_ok:
            return resp

        response_xml_data = ET.fromstring(response_data)
        for xml_data in response_xml_data:
            for prop in xml_data.findall(get_file_prop_xpath, File.xml_namespaces_map):
                resp.data = prop.text

        return resp

class NextCloud(_Nextcloud):

    def __init__(self, endpoint, user, password, json_output=True):
        super().__init__(endpoint, user, password, json_output=json_output)
        webdav_requester = WebDAVRequester(endpoint, user, password)
        functionality_classes = [
            WebDAVExtented(webdav_requester, json_output=json_output),
            SystemTags(webdav_requester, json_output=json_output),
            SystemTagsRelation(webdav_requester, json_output=json_output,
                               client=self),  # require to fetch both tag and files
        self.functionality_classes += functionality_classes
        for functionality_class in functionality_classes:
            for potential_method in dir(functionality_class):
                    or not callable(getattr(functionality_class, potential_method))
                setattr(self, potential_method, getattr(
                    functionality_class, potential_method))

 Define properties models
class Prop():

    def __init__(self, xml_name, json=None, default=None):
        self.attr_name = self._xml_name_to_py_name(xml_name)
        self.json_key = json
        self.xml_key = xml_name
        self.default_val = default

    def _xml_name_to_py_name(name):
        return name.replace('-', '_')

    def _py_name_to_xml_name(name):
        return name.replace('_', '-')

class DProp(Prop):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.type = 'd'

class OCProp(Prop):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.type = 'oc'

Define generic result class
that could be common to File and Tag
class AttributeCollection():
    SUCCESS_STATUS = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    _attrs = []
    _xml_namespaces_map = File.xml_namespaces_map

    def _fields(self):
        return [v.attr_name for v in self._attrs]

    def _properties(self):
        return [v.xml_key for v in self._attrs]

    def __init__(self, xml_data):
        self.href = xml_data.find('d:href', self._xml_namespaces_map).text
        for attr in self._attrs:
            setattr(self, attr.attr_name, None)
        for propstat in xml_data.iter('{DAV:}propstat'):
            if propstat.find('d:status', self._xml_namespaces_map).text != self.SUCCESS_STATUS:
            for xml_property in propstat.find('d:prop', self._xml_namespaces_map):
                property_name = re.sub("{.*}", "", xml_property.tag)
                if property_name not in self._properties:
                value = self._get_property_value(xml_property)
                setattr(self, Prop._xml_name_to_py_name(property_name), value)

    def _get_property_value(self, xml_property):
        return xml_property.text

    def default_get(cls, key_format='json', **kwargs):
        vals = {getattr(v, "%s_key" % key_format): v.default_val
                for v in cls._attrs
                if getattr(v, "%s_key" % key_format, False)}
        return vals

    def build_xml_propfind_query(cls, fields=None):
        if not fields:
            fields = [attr.xml_key for attr in cls._attrs]
        return build_xml_propfind_query(oc_fields=fields)

    def from_response(cls, resp, json_output=None, filtered=None):
        if not resp.is_ok:
            resp.data = None
            return resp
        response_data = resp.data
        response_xml_data = ET.fromstring(response_data)
        attr_datas = [cls(xml_data) for xml_data in response_xml_data]
        if filtered and callable(filtered):
            attr_datas = [attr_data for attr_data in attr_datas
                          if filtered(attr_data)]
        resp.data = attr_datas if not json_output else [
            attr_data.as_dict() for attr_data in attr_datas]
        return resp

    def as_dict(self):
        attrs = [v.attr_name for v in self._attrs]
        return {key: value
                for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
                if key in attrs}

Define main processings
class Tag(AttributeCollection):

    _attrs = [
        OCProp("display-name", json="name", default='default_tag_name'),
        OCProp("user-visible", json="userVisible", default=True),
        OCProp("can-assign", json="canAssign", default=True),
        OCProp("user-assignable", json="userAssignable", default=True)

class SystemTags(WithRequester):
    API_URL = '/remote.php/dav/systemtags'
    CREATED_CODE = 201

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SystemTags, self).__init__(*args)
        self.json_output = kwargs.get('json_output')

    def get_sytemtag(self, name, fields=None, json_output=None):
        if not fields:
            fields = Tag._fields
        resp = self.requester.propfind(
                set(['display-name', *fields])
        if json_output is None:
            json_output = self.json_output
        return Tag.from_response(
            filtered=lambda t: t.display_name == name)

    def get_systemtags(self, name=None):
        Get list of all tags

        Returns: response with <list>Tag in data
        resp = self.requester.propfind(data=Tag.build_xml_propfind_query())
        return Tag.from_response(resp, json_output=self.json_output)

    def create_systemtag(self, name, **kwargs):
        Create a new system tag from name.
        Returns requester response with file id as data
        data = Tag.default_get(name=name, **kwargs)
        url = self.requester.get_full_url()
        # i use requests because headers, can't be set in requester.post
        # resp = self.requester.post(data=data)
        res = requests.post(url, auth=self.requester.auth_pk,
                            data=json.dumps(data), headers={
                                "Content-Type": "application/json"
        resp = self.requester.rtn(res)
        if res.status_code == self.CREATED_CODE:
            resp.data = int(res.headers['Content-Location'].split('/')[-1])

        return resp

    def delete_systemtag(self, name=None, tag_id=None):
        Delete systemtag
          name    (str): tag name
          tag_id  (int): tag id
        Returns response

        if not tag_id:
            resp = self.get_sytemtag(name, ['id'],
            if resp.data:
                tag_id = resp.data[0].id

        if tag_id:
            resp = self.requester.delete(url=str(tag_id))
        return resp

class FluidArgumentsMixin():
    a stupid mixin to avoid code repetition
    using dangerous getattr functions
    with major counter side of loosing 
    some transaction infos
    def _arguments_get(self, varnames, vals):
        if 'kwargs' in vals:
        ret = []
        for varname in varnames:
            val = vals.get(varname, None)
            if val is None:
                getter_func_name = '_default_get_%s' % varname
                if hasattr(self, getter_func_name):
                    val = getattr(self, getter_func_name)(vals)
        return ret

class SystemTagsRelation(WithRequester, FluidArgumentsMixin):
    API_URL = '/remote.php/dav/systemtags-relations/files'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SystemTagsRelation, self).__init__(*args)
        self.json_output = kwargs.get('json_output')
        self.client = kwargs.get('client')

    def _get_fileid_from_path(self, uid, path):
        """ Tricky function to fetch file """
        resp = self.client.get_file_property(uid, path, 'fileid')
        id_ = None
        if resp.data:
            id_ = int(resp.data)
        return id_

    def _get_systemtag_id_from_name(self, name):
        resp = self.client.get_sytemtag(name, ['id'],
        tag_id = None
        if resp.data:
            tag_id = int(resp.data[0].id)
        return tag_id

    def _default_get_file_id(self, vals):
        uid = vals.get('uid', None)
        path = vals.get('path', None)
        if not (uid and path):
            raise ValueError("Insufficient infos about the file")
        return self._get_fileid_from_path(uid, path)

    def _default_get_tag_id(self, vals):
        tag_name = vals.get('tag_name', None)
        if not tag_name:
            raise ValueError("Insufficient infos about the tag")
        return self._get_systemtag_id_from_name(tag_name)

    def get_systemtags_relation(self, file_id=None, **kwargs):
        Get all tags from a given file/folder

          file_id (int): file id found from file object
             uid  (str): user (to know from where fetch file)
             path (str): path to file/folder


        (file_id,) = self._arguments_get(['file_id'], locals())

        data = Tag.build_xml_propfind_query()

        resp = self.requester.propfind(additional_url=file_id,

        return Tag.from_response(resp, json_output=self.json_output)

    def delete_systemtags_relation(self, file_id=None, tag_id=None, **kwargs):
        Delete a tag from a given file/folder

          file_id (int): id found in file object
          tag_id  (int): id found in tag object

        (file_id, tag_id) = self._arguments_get(['file_id', 'tag_id'], locals())

        resp = self.requester.delete(
            url="{}/{}".format(file_id, tag_id))
        return resp

    def add_systemtags_relation(self, file_id=None, tag_id=None, **kwargs):
        set a tag from a given file/folder

           file_id (int): id found in file object
            tag_id (int): id found in tag object
        (if you didn't provided file_id)
              uid  (str): user (to know from where fetch file)
              path (str): path to file/folder
        (if you didn't provided tag_id)
          tag_name (str): tag_name to search or create

        (file_id, tag_id) = self._arguments_get(['file_id', 'tag_id'], locals())
        if not tag_id and 'tag_name' in kwargs:
            resp = self.client.create_systemtag(kwargs['tag_name'])
            if not resp.is_ok:
                return resp
            tag_id = resp.data
        if not file_id:
            raise ValueError('No file found')

        data = Tag.build_xml_propfind_query()

        resp = self.requester.put(url="{}/{}".format(file_id, tag_id))
        return resp