EntitySpaces / entityspaces.js

A JavaScript Data Access Framework that uses Knockout
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Sorting #8

Closed lucasjans closed 12 years ago

lucasjans commented 12 years ago

One of my tables contains an int SortOrder column which is used to map the order that the items should be rendered in.

Do you know how to wire-up entityspaces.js to a sort order array? I am using jQuery UI Accordion, which does support sorting.

lucasjans commented 12 years ago

As an example, this article shows another system serializing the sorting data with a custom server side function: http://blog.greggbolinger.com/jqueryui-serializing-data-for-a-sortable-acco

EntitySpaces commented 12 years ago

Yes, let me get to you on this, there is a way

lucasjans commented 12 years ago

I think this is actually pretty easy, I could probably even do it now without any modifications to entityspaces code.

On a collection save event, first cycle through the accordion collection

$(this).find('h3').each(function() {
//somehow find the corresponding primary key for that item
//then save the record's Sort column value as the index

I will probably experiment with this soon and post something here.

lucasjans commented 12 years ago

So I thought I would have an easy time with this, but I am running into one challenge.

Here's the basic gist. I bound a hidden field to to the SortOrder column from the database. I figured if I changed the value for this field, it would update the view model. Wrong. Apparently, changing the $(element).val("tothis") doesn't trigger the knockout magic.

                    i = 1;
                    $(this).find('input[name=\'sortOrder\']').each(function () {
                        //this doesn't trigger KO's view model to change

Is there a quick fix that I'm missing to get this working? Or should I start over and instead provide context to navigate through the view model arrays (I have multiple levels) and change the SortOrder data?

lucasjans commented 12 years ago

Found the easy solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018885/knockout-js-bound-input-value-not-updated-when-i-use-jquery-valxyz

adding .change() works.

EntitySpaces commented 12 years ago

Ha, cool. I didn't even know about that .change() method, nice to know. Now that our latest maintenance release is out we should be doing some more work on entityspaces.js