EntrustCorporation / draft-ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners

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Clarify reliance on Keccak behaving like a random oracle #10

Open ounsworth opened 1 year ago

ounsworth commented 1 year ago

Nimrod Aviram said:

The construction relies on Keccak behaving like a random oracle. As Joan and Gilles have pointed out, this is a modelling choice, not something that can be proven. This is a somewhat strong assumption, albeit a workable one. I recommend clarifying the reliance on this assumption in the document. The construction proposed here can be assumed to be a dual-PRF when assuming the underlying hash function to be a random oracle. My understanding is that the authors don't claim it to be a dual-PRF without random oracle assumptions, i.e. in the standard model.


wussler commented 1 year ago

From Felix: Simply adding the following consideration may be sufficient

"The sponge construction was proven to be indifferentiable from a random oracle [BDPA08], assuming the Keccak permutation behaves like a random permutation."