EntrustCorporation / draft-ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners

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Consider HMAC-based constructions #15

Open wussler opened 1 year ago

wussler commented 1 year ago

Given idealized assumptions, consider SHA2-based HMAC constrution: HMAC(s, K1 || ... || Kn)

Given the following feedback from Felix

Qualitatively similar results [to Keccak] exist for HMAC [2], saying that H(X) = HMAC(s, X) for fixed s is indifferentiable from a random oracle when assuming an ideal Merkle-Damgard compression function.

https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/382 (e.g., Section 1.3: "Analogously, our positive results about HMAC imply as a special case that HMAC(K, M ), for any fixed constant K, is indifferentiable from a RO.")

OR13 commented 10 months ago

Interpreting this issue, is it correct to say that:

this issue can be closed when the draft describes that SHA2 or SHA3 can be used, and gives some reasonable guidance to implementers on choosing one and naming the resulting hybrid suite?

wussler commented 10 months ago

Yes. I'm just not so sure about naming the resulting suite, as we don't mention naming anywhere

OR13 commented 10 months ago

Yeah, perhaps naming guidance is a step to far... I was mostly hoping to avoid ambiguity for cases like:

Pick the hash function that is used internally the most, in case of a tie, pick the hash function that has been battle tested for longer.

Avoid creating suites that only differ by the choice of hash function.