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PCsensor - new package wish #40

Open zd59 opened 6 years ago

zd59 commented 6 years ago

Package: PCsensor (new package)

Please compile and add PCsensor package to Entware-ng-3x repository. It is a simple package that reads data from hardware USB temperature sensor: []http://pcsensor.com/index.php?search%5Bkeywords%5D=temper&_a=category The only dependency is libusb, already included in Entware-ng-3x repository. The source is available here: https://github.com/osakanataro/pcsensor and attached: pcsensor-1.0.3.tar.gz That temperature sensor is wide spread, cheap (5€) , simple and works in Linux.


ARM15 Linux - router Netgear R7500 The hardware have a driver and program to be monitored in MS Windows, the above mentioned source works in Linux. It would be nice to be able to measure surrounding temperature with 24/7/365 on device as routers are. I would use it on my Netgear R7500.