Entware-for-kernel-3x / Entware-ng-3x

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This is recommended for unification with Entware-3x installations on other devices. The action is not mandatory. #61

Closed ProBackup-nl closed 6 years ago

ProBackup-nl commented 6 years ago

Package: forum documentation

Platform: padavan rt-n56u

After reading: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.zyxmon.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fp%3D15556%23p15556&edit-text= I am wondering what is meant with:

This is recommended for unification with Entware-3x installations on other devices. The action is not mandatory.

Is "this" referring to the line before?

rm /opt/etc/profile

Or after?

wget -O - http://entware-3x.zyxmon.org/binaries/mipsel/installer/install_std.sh | /bin/sh

In other words: what is optional?

a. remove .../profile or b. run .../install_....sh?

zyxmon commented 6 years ago

Online translator interpretaion is not correct here. This refers to busybox.

ProBackup-nl commented 6 years ago

@zyxmon install_std.sh installs entware-opt which depends upon busybox. I don't understand the "not mandatory" part. Would you mind having a look at https://github.com/ProBackup-nl/Entware-ng-3x/wiki/Install-on-Padavan ? Corrections are welcome, as well as hints to verify that one has not ended up at situation "padavan firmware overwriting entware-3x".

zyxmon commented 6 years ago

I don't understand the "not mandatory" part.

Look here - http://entware-3x.zyxmon.org/binaries/armv7/installer/install_asuswrt.sh It is for armv7 & armv8 now. 2 extra packages need to be added for it. Some packages will need additional adjustments when busybox is not installed. I'll have a look, and probably copy wiki here, if you don't mind.

ProBackup-nl commented 6 years ago

@zyxmon I don't mind at all when you copy (and improve) the wiki.

At http://entware-3x.zyxmon.org/binaries/armv7/installer/install_asuswrt.sh the only difference I do spot is the addition of: /opt/bin/opkg install asuswrt-opt

Package: asuswrt-opt Version: 1.0-4 Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libgcc, libstdcpp, libpthread, librt, zoneinfo-asia, zoneinfo-europe, findutils, terminfo, locales Conflicts: opt-ndmsv2, entware-opt Section: libs Architecture: armv7-3x Installed-Size: 2340 Filename: asuswrt-opt_1.0-4_armv7-3x.ipk Size: 3131 MD5Sum: 72dbd2304a7d7e89f0962888cb1f4013 SHA256sum: 2953e9111f1bb9d1016c8902d25333e65886cad9f141d071c893dc701f0e14ed Description: asuswrt-opt is a metapackage to install Entware-3x basic libraries and scripts


Package: entware-opt Version: 1.0-4 Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libgcc, libstdcpp, libpthread, librt, busybox, zoneinfo-asia, zoneinfo-europe, findutils, terminfo, locales Conflicts: opt-ndmsv2 Section: libs Architecture: mipsel-3x Installed-Size: 2340 Filename: entware-opt_1.0-4_mipsel-3x.ipk Size: 3029 MD5Sum: eaae85f917335912c14e7ef4e93d2966 SHA256sum: 6ea115a46d6811f55bed597856587d14822f5fa75da4e072bd0dd9689e830003 Description: provides basic toolchain libraries (dummy)