EntySec / SeaShell

SeaShell Framework is an iOS post-exploitation framework that enables you to access the device remotely, control it and extract sensitive information.
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hosting error #20

Closed kenzWeb closed 5 months ago

kenzWeb commented 5 months ago

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  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

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I bought my hosting, i specified its ip in seashell but listening still doesn't work, how can i configure seashell to work in wan?

<img width="648" alt="Снимок экрана 2024-02-20 в 22 29 04" src="https://github.com/EntySec/SeaShell/assets/77916046/862cbd7f-4006-4bac-9c19-5be89162db68">

enty8080 commented 5 months ago

@kenzWeb Make sure that is a correct IP address and is available through one of the network interfaces on your computer. To check all IP addresses available, type ifconfig command in your terminal. This error only appears if IP address is invalid, so please check it.

If it is your hosting, are you executing the SeaShell through hosting terminal? If not, you will need to forward traffic from your hosting to your PC.

enty8080 commented 5 months ago

It is not how IP addresses work. You need to start listener on host that belong to you machine. I am closing this issue, because the problem is not related to SeaShell.