Envek / obs-studio-node-example

Learn how to use OBS Studio from your Electron app for screen video recording
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OBS ignores programmatic set output video resolution #3

Closed Envek closed 4 years ago

Envek commented 4 years ago

OBS seems to ignore programmatic changes to set output video resolution to 1920x1080 here:


Workaround: You can manually edit OBS configuration in osn-data subfolder and set OutputCX and OutputCY parameters under Video section to your display resolution (e.g. 1920 and 1080 respectively).

Originally posted by @hrueger in https://github.com/Envek/obs-studio-node-example/issues/2#issuecomment-612997973

I also noticed that only about 2/3 of my screen were recorded and in the logs (attached) it says this:

video settings reset:
   base resolution:   1536x960
   output resolution: 1228x768

My screen, however, is 1920x1200. I don't know much about OBS, but I don't think this problem belongs to the RecEncoder settings, does it?

2020-04-13 06-51-24.txt

After having a closer look at the code, I found that this already returns 1536x960. So no problem with your code, sorry! Probably a Windows scaling issue (my scaling is at 125% because I'm using a convertible). 1920 / 1.25 = 1536

  const { screen } = require('electron');
  const primaryDisplay = screen.getPrimaryDisplay();

Edit: After inspecting the whole code I saw that the scaleFactor is multiplied with the display size values retrieved from the electron screen module and the realDisplayWith and realDisplayHeight variables do have the correct value.

Envek commented 4 years ago

I have no time to tackle with it right now, but hope that it is something wrong with setSetting method (which was copied verbatim from obs-studio-node tests) and it just changes resolution in some wrong settings subcategory may be).

Envek commented 4 years ago

It turned out that settings from API are slightly differs in format from what is stored in OBS Studio's basic.ini.

How to set resolution to 1920x1080:

setSetting('Video', 'Base', '1920x1080');
setSetting('Video', 'Output', '1920x1080');

And how it will appear in osn-data/basic.ini:
