Enveloppe / obsidian-enveloppe

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[BUG]: [Dataview] Math rendering #227

Closed mclearc closed 11 months ago

mclearc commented 11 months ago

Issue validation

Command used

Refresh published and upload new notes

Plugin version


Describe the bug

I seem to be unable to render inline math. Here's an example:

>###### Stats
> > -  :fas_dice_d20: \+`$= Math.floor((dv.current().dexterity -10) / 2)` ⋅ :fas_running: `=this.speed`ft
> > - :rif_shield_star: `=this.ac` ⋅ :fas_heart: `=this.hp`
> > - :fas_eye: `=this.perception` ⋅ :rif_spy: `=this.stealth`
> >
> > | Ability      | Score                | Mod                                        |
> > |--------------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------|
> > | Strength     | `=this.strength`     | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().strength -10) / 2)`     |
> > | Dexterity    | `=this.dexterity`    | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().dexterity -10) / 2)`    |
> > | Constitution | `=this.constitution` | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().constitution -10) / 2)` |
> > | Intelligence | `=this.intelligence` | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().intelligence -10) / 2)` |
> > | Wisdom       | `=this.wisdom`       | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().wisdom -10) / 2)`       |
> > | Charisma     | `=this.charisma`     | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().charisma -10) / 2)`     |

The inline =this.ability renders fine, but the math does not. In this case, since the "Mod" table is thus valueless, it doesn't even render in the final result.

How to reproduce ?

try and do some inline math...

Minimal Reproducible Example

Here's the entire note:

share: true
  - erspace/ermis
type: pc
linter-yaml-title-alias: "**`=this.file.name`**"
art: "![[er_dhampir-portrait_5.png|75]]"
player: Griffin
name: Stigs the Stiff
  - "**`=this.file.name`**"
class: Artificer
level: 1
background: Shipwright
strength: 12
dexterity: 17
constitution: 15 
intelligence: 18
wisdom: 12
charisma: 10
perception: 13
stealth: 15
hd: 1d8
hp: 12
ac: 15
pb: +2
speed: 35 
condition: Healthy
skill-proficiencies: Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth 
save-proficiencies: Constitution, Intelligence
languages: Common
overview: A shipwright for House Ororos
ancestry: Dhampir
occupation: Shipwright
friends-family: [House Ororos]
associatedGroup: House Ororos
associatedReligion: Er
date created: Saturday, September 23rd 2023, 7:45:19 pm
date modified: Monday, October 2nd 2023, 1:06:28 pm

>###### Stats
> > -  :fas_dice_d20: \+`$= Math.floor((dv.current().dexterity -10) / 2)` ⋅ :fas_running: `=this.speed`ft
> > - :rif_shield_star: `=this.ac` ⋅ :fas_heart: `=this.hp`
> > - :fas_eye: `=this.perception` ⋅ :rif_spy: `=this.stealth`
> >
> > | Ability      | Score                | Mod                                        |
> > |--------------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------|
> > | Strength     | `=this.strength`     | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().strength -10) / 2)`     |
> > | Dexterity    | `=this.dexterity`    | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().dexterity -10) / 2)`    |
> > | Constitution | `=this.constitution` | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().constitution -10) / 2)` |
> > | Intelligence | `=this.intelligence` | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().intelligence -10) / 2)` |
> > | Wisdom       | `=this.wisdom`       | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().wisdom -10) / 2)`       |
> > | Charisma     | `=this.charisma`     | `$= Math.floor((dv.current().charisma -10) / 2)`     |
> > ||||
> >  - **Skill Proficiencies:** `=this.skill-proficiencies`
> >  - **Save Proficiencies:** `=this.save-proficiencies`
> >  - **Default Action:** `=this.action`
> >  -  **Condition:** `=this.condition`

# **`=this.file.name`**
>[!info|bg-c-purple]- Overview
> - `=this.overview`

>[!column|clean no-title] Characteristics
>> [!metadata|bg-c-blue]+ Traits
>> - `=this.traits`
>> [!metadata|bg-c-blue]+ Ideals, Bonds, & Flaws
>> -  `=this.ideals`
>> -  `=this.bonds`
>> -  `=this.flaws`

>[!column|flex 3 clean no-title]
>> [!info|bg-c-gray]+ Bio
>> - **Alias(es):** `=this.aliases` 
>> - **Age:**  `=this.age` 
>> - **Sex:**  `=this.gender` 
>> - **Sexuality:**  `=this.sexuality` 
>> - **Height:**  `=this.height` 
>> - **Weight:**  `=this.weight` 
>> - **Occupation(s):**  `=this.occupation` 
>> - **Group(s):**  `=link(this.associatedGroup)` 
>> - **Religion(s):**  `=link(this.associatedReligion)` 
>> [!info|bg-c-gray]+ Other Info 
>> - **Ancestry:**  `=this.ancestry`
>> - **Background:** `=this.background`
>> - **Class:** `=this.class`
>> - **Level:** `=this.level`
>> - **Alignment:** `=this.alignment`
>> - **Current Location:**  `=link(this.location)` 

## Relationships
>[!column|dataview|clean no-title] Relationships
>> [!metadata|bg-c-green]- Friends & Family
>> - `=this.friends-family`
>> [!metadata|bg-c-orange]- Rivals
>> - `=this.rivals`

## Biographical Details


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Relevant log output

No errors in log output



Anything else?

Here's the displayed site: https://lichfactory.com/adventures/ad%20astra/the%20party/stigs%20the%20stiff/

Obsidian information

    Obsidian version: v1.4.14
    Installer version: v1.4.13
    Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Fri Sep 15 13:41:28 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3.700.8~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 22.6.0
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    Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
    Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
Mara-Li commented 11 months ago

Maybe it's a limitation of the dataview API :/

mclearc commented 11 months ago

Yes it certainly could be -- though it's hard for me to tell why some aspects of dataview render fine and some don't.

Mara-Li commented 11 months ago

I tried to check but sadly, impossible to come to a conclusion. To be honest, seems to be a problem around the dv Api…

Mara-Li commented 11 months ago

Well, keep the issue open but we need to open a issue on obsidian-dataview to ask about the problem.

Little question : are the other $= function work ? (outside Math.floor)

EDIT : Seems dataviewJS doesn't work in inline. The same queries work with code blocks

Mara-Li commented 11 months ago

Okay, think I found a temporary solution

mclearc commented 11 months ago

Looks great!