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[Bug]: Internal links grayed out / displayed as class=" not found" on GH Pages #304

Closed AudioLotus closed 7 months ago

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Issue validation

Command used

Upload all notes, Upload single current active note, Refresh all published notes

Plugin version


Describe the bug

Regardless of which settings I use, when I publish a note, internal links don't seem to work. They appear greyed out and not able to be clicked.

In plugin settings I've tried both "Internal Links" and "Convert Wikilinks to MDLinks", neither of which worked after republishing.

How to reproduce ?

  1. Add wiki link in md file using "relative path to file" setting in Obsidian
  2. Set frontmatter to share:true
  3. Publish single note
  4. View note on Github Page

Minimal Reproducible Example

  - Raid
activity_name: Last Wish
  - Last Wish Intro
  - intro
share: "true"


## Table of Contents

[[#Bonus Chests]]


## Mechanics

So, in my opinion, Last Wish doesn't really have a consistent set of building mechanics like others do. However, you'll see the same bits and pieces pop up every so often.

**Symbols:** One thing that appears often are sets of symbols with either a bird, snake, fish, or dragon in black on a pale green background. Here are the ones I personally use:

![[../../Attachments/LW Images/LW-symbols.png|callouts for symbols]]

**Taken Blights**: in a few encounter you'll see some taken orbs in pillars of light. When these are picked up they give a **Taken Strength** debuff which will kill you if you get more than two stacks.

**Plates**: I mean really, that's what they are. These are floating platforms you stand on that will hurt you over time.

Also there's a **Wishing Wall** found past Kalli's arena after you jump up some rocks:

![[../../Attachments/LW Images/Wishing Wall.jpeg|The Wishing Wall|ctr]]


## Encounters

##### [[1. Kalli, the Corrupted|Kalli, the Corrupted]]

Let's match some symbols, cleanse some plates, and hide in closets!

##### [[2. Shuro Chi, The Corrupted|Shuro Chi]]

Laser almonds and puzzles abound!

##### [[3. Morgeth, the Spirekeeper|Morgeth]]

Take strength, get buffs, kill kill kill

##### [[4. The Vault|Vault]]

Oh God oh fuck.

##### [[5. Riven of a Thousand Voices|Riven of a Thousand Voices]]

Poke her toes or shoot her face, cheese style!

##### [[6. Riven's Heart|Riven's Heart]]

Carry an orb in a relay race, take strengths, hope for the best!


## Bonus Chests

First one right after Kalli below one of the thin platforms you have to cross. You'll have to jump down and land in the entrance. It'll take a few tries

Second one is right after Shuro Chi, on a cliff. When you see the portal to Morgeth, you've gone slightly too far. It'll be out of one of the side doors where you have to jump up some trees and over a gap to get to.


## Tools

This is a *really* helpful tool for the Vault encounter.



Wanna see other guides? Check out [[../../index|the rest of what I have!]]


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Relevant log output




Anything else?

Screenshot 2024-02-06 170150 Screenshot 2024-02-06 170229

Link to site: https://audiolotus.github.io/FlwrzD2/Raids/Last%20Wish/0.%20Intro%20to%20Last%20Wish/

Link to repo: https://github.com/AudioLotus/FlwrzD2

Obsidian information

    Obsidian version: v1.5.3
    Installer version: v1.5.3
    Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.22631
    Login status: logged in
    Catalyst license: none
    Insider build toggle: off
    Live preview: on
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        6: Metadata Menu v0.7.7
        7: Editing Toolbar v2.4.0
        8: Github Publisher v6.14.1

    Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
    Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

Is the links works in GitHub when you use markdown links ?

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Nope. sadly

The main branch of FlwrzD2 does not contain the path docs/Raids/Last%20Wish3.%2520Morgeth,%2520the%2520Spirekeeper.md.

is what I get when I view the .md in the repo

It looks like when the plugin converts the page, it's adding the extra entity to it making %2520 vs %20 or something similar

Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

Yeah, I think the problem with your page is the extra 5. before.

Could you try to use the renaming frontmatter function? It allows to rename file in the repo. You need to use the title key to keep the original name

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Pardon my ignorance here cause I couldn't find it in the documentation, but what would those properties be?

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Small update, as I found the examples in the documentation. I tried different combos in both the title field and filename field. I even tried them separately to see what would happen.

I followed the example in the documentation and wrote mine out the way it said. The page title itself would change on the hosted page but the file was not renamed nor were the links changed in other pages.

I tried removing the "." From the filename as well to just include a "-" but that hasn't worked either.

I'm unsure what to do next really.

Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

Did you enable the renaming in the settings? It's not enabled by default.

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Ah that makes sense. I misinterpreted what the button was saying in settings.

It changed the filename successfully, but the links to the test page still aren't working. They show the correct filename in the inspector view on Firefox, but still show "not found" and can't be clicked.

I'm so sorry for all this hassle!

Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

Could you please try to use the markdown links conversion and see if in github the links works, now?

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

So in the repo itself it works now, but not on the published page.

Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

So it's an issue with mkdocs. I close this issue. Please open an issue on the repository for the template.

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Sorry to bother again, but do you mean this repository?


There doesn't seem to be the button for me to open an issue there, so I cannot open one. Is there another method to doing so? Thanks!

Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

Have you really read the template when you open an issue here? In the checkbox, there are a link to the github repository, where you can make an issue.

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

Yes, but I do have a brain injury which makes remembering / understanding that sort of stuff quite a challenge.


Mara-Li commented 7 months ago

No worry, it's just, as I'm alone on the project, making little tiresome to manage everything, including the moderation and indication. I will love to have easily bot to help moderation with that… Sorry if I sounded rude!

AudioLotus commented 7 months ago

It's cool! I can totally understand how that can be quite a burden at times. I'll go ahead and submit the issue!

Thanks so much for all you do!