Envibel / MartialExcellence

MIT License
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Suggestions #1

Open Envibel opened 1 year ago

Envibel commented 1 year ago

If you have any suggestions on what to add please leave them in this thread. Keep in mind they need to be martial related feats/features/abilities etc. Lastly, while I appreciate all suggestions I make no promises on implementing them.

astrocastro commented 1 year ago

master of many styles and medusa's wrath would be cool

SpellBlue commented 1 year ago

Raging Brutality

phudspeth commented 1 year ago

This is probably my favorite fighter archetype and is just really fun in general to play around (except for my DM) https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Fighter%20Siegebreaker

Also these style feats are bomb: https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bulette%20Charge%20Style https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bulette%20Leap https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bulette%20Rampage

Miiiiiight be hard to implement but IIRC there's an overrun ability in the game already but it's for the minotaurs. I tried doing some mod stuff with it at one point but uh... just couldn't untangle the code for it. Worth pointing out though that "true" overrunning with multiple targets doesn't actually preclude from changing direction etc but might be too hard to implement so... shrug?

Edit: I am a dingus and missed that the bullete charge feats were already on the docket... my bad!

Envibel commented 1 year ago

Runic Charge, Charge of the Righteous, and Crusader's Flurry submitted by user knk101

knk101 commented 1 year ago

In Harms way,and bodyguard feats. Already implemented as class abilities for divine guardian but having as feats would be wonderful

JamesEhren commented 1 year ago

May I suggest adding this to ModFinder for easy user updates: https://github.com/Pathfinder-WOTR-Modding-Community/ModFinder#for-mod-devs

WittleWolfie commented 1 year ago

+1 Master of Many Styles

knk101 commented 1 year ago

Disciple of the sword feat

Envibel commented 1 year ago

Grave Warden Slayer archetype suggested by Ner013

Xyrmes commented 1 year ago

Could you add Drow, Fetchlings, and Duergar to the race options?

FrijDom commented 1 year ago

Could you make it possible to select Destiny Beyond Birth with your added races? I'd like my orcs to be a little less crippled.

Envibel commented 1 year ago

@FrijDom I attempted to in the past but wasn't quite able to get it working. I can take another look eventually though. In the mean time though, I'd suggest selecting a "dummy" mythic feat and then using toybox to edit the ability scores of the character to mimic destiny beyond birth.

LostValkyrie commented 1 year ago

i would like your races to be able to use Destined beyond Birth with out having to cheat it on my character.

FrijDom commented 1 year ago

@Envibel I think I found how to make it work, although it may take some extra work. Turns out, all of the races in the base game are set up so that their racial penalty only applies if you don't have DBB.

Envibel commented 1 year ago

@FrijDom The base races use AddStatBonusIfHasFact and basically check if the character doesn't have Destiny Beyond Birth and if they don't then add the stat penalty. While I appreciate you looking into it, the reason I did not account for destiny beyond birth when first creating the races is because BPCore's (what I use to create any of the features in my mod) Race Configurator does not have an option for AddStatBonusIfHasFact like the base races do.

If something like that is added to BPCore then I can probably add it but at this point I'm not really updating Martial Excellence outside of crashes, sorry.

FrijDom commented 1 year ago

@Envibel I've actually found a way to do it, but the github repo is incomplete, resulting in me being unable to compile it, and if I remove the piece that makes it unable to compile, it won't load.