EnviralDesign / GeoPix

GeoPix is a free and open source real-time lighting control and previz software. It's built in TouchDesigner, with a workflow and UI/UX inspired by 3d animation software.
MIT License
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Maximum number of devices #20

Closed viquiuxd closed 3 years ago

viquiuxd commented 3 years ago

In geopix 2.0 we are limited to 16 dmx out devices?

EnviralDesign commented 3 years ago

ya, 16 is arbitrary but should be more than enough - could you expand some on your setup so I can understand more about how things are getting constrained?

viquiuxd commented 3 years ago

There is a television studio where they plan to mount about 50 Artnet nodes. I wanted to see if I could map it using Geopix 2.0 but if this is the case I think I could use version 1.0.21 where it seems to me that there are no device limitations

EnviralDesign commented 3 years ago

oh wow, yeah that's a good chunk! I don't mind upping the limit I just want to get a feel for why it's being done that way. good information to have. What type of artnet node are they using, out of curiosity?

I wonder, could you blast the GeoPix data to so that all nodes are receiving the same thing, and taking what they need? It's obviously not as efficient from a network standpoint, but could potentially allow you to address one artnet slot.

I'll see about getting this limit updated anyways, 64 seems like a good number but I might not have all of the buttons visible at once, or something like that.

Will keep ya posted via this thread.

EnviralDesign commented 3 years ago

closing due to inactivity.

troyhacks commented 5 months ago

Same issue, but more just because each WLED instance has its own IP. I have many battery powered "sticks" (25+) that run WLED and it would be nice if this was maybe 64 instead of 16.