EnviralDesign / GeoPix

GeoPix is a free and open source real-time lighting control and previz software. It's built in TouchDesigner, with a workflow and UI/UX inspired by 3d animation software.
MIT License
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Bootstrap : get path to TD executable not working #67

Open Scelibre opened 7 months ago

Scelibre commented 7 months ago

``Describe the bug I had a problem, the bootstrap could never find TouchDesigner even though it was installed, it reinstalled it each time which was very annoying. I fixed this problem on my PC but I don't know if it will work for everyone.


These changes resolved the issue:

:: IF registry entry exists, get path to TD executable and set to variable td_executable_path
:: Next, trim off the last 5 characters to get the pure path. !! characters are used for DelayedExpansion
reg query %registry_query_str% >nul
if not %errorlevel% equ 0 goto InstallTD

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3,* skip=2" %%L IN (
    `reg query %registry_query_str%`
) DO SET td_executable_path=%%M
SET td_executable_path=!td_executable_path:~0,-5!

if exist !td_executable_path! goto ReadyToLaunch
