EnviralDesign / GeoPix

GeoPix is a free and open source real-time lighting control and previz software. It's built in TouchDesigner, with a workflow and UI/UX inspired by 3d animation software.
MIT License
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Wget.exe does not run on windows 10 x64 #9

Closed secolaha closed 3 years ago

secolaha commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug when running the .BAT file I get an err or saying the the version of wget is incompatible with my computer.

running windows 10 prerelease 21354.1

LimitlessGreen commented 3 years ago

Did you have downloaded it via git clone https://github.com/EnviralDesign/GeoPix.git or the Relase button https://github.com/EnviralDesign/GeoPix/releases/download/v2-initial-release/GeoPix-initial-release.zip ?

No problems on 10.0.19042 Build 19042 x64 win10pro

LimitlessGreen commented 3 years ago

Alright. I was able to reproduce it on an other PC. I'll investigate this further

secolaha commented 3 years ago

I think curl.exe might be more portable.

LimitlessGreen commented 3 years ago

I know the reason: I cloned the repo without lfs installed. Install lfs and try it again https://git-lfs.github.com/ You only should see some kind of a 150 byte file only containing a link.

EnviralDesign commented 3 years ago

from my tests on my 3 laptops wget seemed to be good - but as @LimitlessGreen is saying it's prob the lfs and large file challenge I'm working through atm.

@secolaha Did you download via the green download code button in github? or the releases area on the right?

Either way have some time today again and going to finish sorting some things out.

LimitlessGreen commented 3 years ago

@secolaha Is the problem gone? If so, we could close this issue.

secolaha commented 3 years ago

Yes it work! (allthough it tries to install a previous version of TD. Is this by design?)

EnviralDesign commented 3 years ago

That is yep. Thanks for the confirmation.