EnviroDIY / ModularSensors

An Arduino library to give environmental sensors a common interface of functions for use with Arduino-framework dataloggers, such as the EnviroDIY Mayfly.
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enviroDIY based and/or parent projects in marine sciences? #431

Open apatlpo opened 1 year ago

apatlpo commented 1 year ago

Hi and congratulation to the EnviroDIY team for this very ambitious and well-thought project !

I am a physical oceanographer working at the french national marine institute (Ifremer) and we are with a young student in the process of developing an open surface drifters that will measure upper ocean properties (temperature, conductivity) on top of its position. Board: ESP32 Firebeetle Data telemetry will be performed via iridium.

So far, you are the sole project that reaches the purpose of sensor harmonisation which are striving for in our project and we will give ModularSensors a spin to see whether it can meet our development objectives.

Our questions are the following:
