EnviroMine / EnviroMine-1.7

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Underground Biomes Support #143

Open UndeadZeratul opened 9 years ago

UndeadZeratul commented 9 years ago

I'd love to be able to have the burnable coal instead of the normal version, but it doesn't mesh well with UBC. Is there a way to integrate your ores with them to not only generate the block correctly, but also then have them ignite?

thislooksfun commented 9 years ago

I'm not familiar with this mod... Why does our coal not fit?

UndeadZeratul commented 9 years ago

The way Underground Biomes works, is you register an ore type with an overlay texture into their system, and they generate an ore block for each of their rock types. This is so that when they overlay the rock types over the vanilla stone blocks, the ore gets converted to the matching type as well, so that they visually fit within the world.

Yours don't fit because UBC doesn't know how to convert them, and therefore they still look like normal stone ores amongst all the red, black, or blue colored stone around it. Your ores still behave normally, they just don't look right.

I'm not even sure if registering your version of coal and burning coal with them would even fully integrate without some extra work, because on their side, they're just making new ores. There isn't anything about those new ores that say they should burn like your coal does. You may have to register your ores with them, then grab the newly generated coal ores (or just take the existing coal ore blocks they generate from vanilla coal) as well as the burning coal ores you'd have them generate for you, and write logic to enable the burning mechanic for them. Now, I haven't confirmed this, but my intuition tells me this may need to be done to be 100% fully compatible/integrated.

Currently I have to choose between burnable coal (which is awesome) and coal that fits in visually with the rest of the world. It'd be great if I had the best of both, coal that fits in with all of the nice stone types, but also burns.

thislooksfun commented 9 years ago

If it is easy, we might do it. If it is as complicated as you say, then sorry, but no. We have a policy of trying to avoid mod-specific code whenever possible. Doing so is both easier to maintain, and is less likely to cause other compatibility issues in the future.

UndeadZeratul commented 9 years ago

That's fair. I hope it's not complicated, and I'd understand if it's just too much work for what it gives.