Envirometrix / LandGISmaps

Processing of global environmental layers at various resolutions
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Download soil data #20

Closed turekme closed 5 years ago

turekme commented 5 years ago

Dear Tomislav,

Is it possible to download data from Zenodo using the RESTsoil grids for individual points?

From now, I create a loop in R for specific coordinates that I need, using: fromJSON(paste0('https://rest.soilgrids.org/query?lon=',vector_long[j],'&lat=', vector_lat[i],',&attributes=BLDFIE,SLTPPT,SNDPPT,CLYPPT,WWP,AWCh1,AWCh2,AWCh3,ORCDRC'), flatten = TRUE)

However, it would be better if I can download the data of soil water contents at 33 kPa and 1500 kPa directly.


thengl commented 5 years ago

To download OpenLandMap.org / LandGIS layers for point locations please best use the LandGIS API (https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org). Here are some examples (see more examples):

Total list of layers available via the REST API is available at: https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org/query/layers