EnvironmentOntology / envo

A community-driven ontology for the representation of environments
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definition for 'recycling process' #294

Open mark-jensen opened 8 years ago

mark-jensen commented 8 years ago

Currently: a process in which has inputs which bear waste roles and outputs which bear resource roles.

A concern is that the essential criteria of waste material being processed for reuse in some way (as a resource) is not clear. What if input waste is output as waste while resources are also output? Perhaps some machine picks through garbage looking for unique kinds of bacteria that flourish in garbage to help make new medications. The bacteria are resources coming out and I don't think would be waste going in. All the waste input ends up being dumped back into the landfill. A stretch perhaps, but it seems the definition wouldn't disallow it.

Suggested change: A process in which some input bearing a waste role is consumed to produce an output bearing a resource role.

Instead of 'consumed', could use 'transformed' or 'use' or 'processed', but I liked the idea of fitting into the consumption/production schema being discussed for SDGIO.

pbuttigieg commented 8 years ago

Done in the editor's version. I like the revised definition and the link to consumption and production.