EnvironmentOntology / gaz

An open source gazetteer constructed on ontological principles
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GAZ national populated place classes should cover municipalities? #12

Open ddooley opened 5 years ago

ddooley commented 5 years ago

For example, GAZ "populated place, Brazil" http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00002831) lists 35 places, while https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_of_Brazil lists 5,570 municipalities.

Perhaps a wikidata integration could resolve this, or a geonames integration? Our use case is that we have some dynamic lookup trying to fetch the municipality for a user to specify a biosample location.

lschriml commented 5 years ago

Villages and town need to be added.

lschriml commented 5 years ago

later: add coordinates, integrate with additional resources

lschriml commented 5 years ago

E.g. African locations, three name strings,