Open sinAshish opened 2 years ago
I am uploading the data to google drive, which is slow due to their large size. Should be ready next week sometime. Thank you very much for the interest.
Thank you, @EnyaHermite !
Hi @EnyaHermite, are there examples on how to prepare our own 'textured/rendered' data as per your pytorch datasets?
Hi! @EnyaHermite, could you please tell me how to transform the seg-labels of facset to vertexes in a mesh? When I used your Picasso-II to train my own data, the acc. is only 4.12% and miou 0.5. I just want to make sure if I were wrong in preparation step. Thank you!
Hi @EnyaHermite, could you please describe how to process our own datasets to get these:
baryPath = meshPath.replace('vh_clean_2.ply', 'rendered_baryCoeffs.txt')
baryCoeff = np.loadtxt(baryPath, delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
if visualize:
baryCloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
baryCloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(baryCoeff)
# =================================================================================
# =============================location normalization==============================
numinteriorPath = meshPath.replace('vh_clean_2.ply', 'rendered_numInterior.txt')
numTexture = np.loadtxt(numinteriorPath, dtype=np.int32)
hello, Have you had any problems when you installing picasso?
Hi @EnyaHermite, thanks for open-sourcing the code for this awesome work. Could you please provide more information on how to process the datasets, such as scannet, scannet_texture, etc? I'm trying to run the pytorch branch of this repo.
Moreover, the gdrive link for the trained models is not working?