Enyby / APK-Info

APK-Info is a Windows tool to get detailed info about an apk file.
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Update APK-Info.ini #1

Closed Ibuprophen closed 6 years ago

Ibuprophen commented 6 years ago

Updated Spanish Translation from XDA Member Submission.


Enyby commented 6 years ago

File wrong. You paste content twice. And changes from this post already merged. You late. https://github.com/Enyby/APK-Info/commit/1d7d7e9dd80fdf89e508f9f80b81c198a46cfe7e

Ibuprophen commented 6 years ago

My deepest apologies @Enyby! :-(

This hasn't happened to me before and I'll have to take better precautions in the future.

This was an odd but, accidental.

Thank you very much!