Enyby / APK-Info

APK-Info is a Windows tool to get detailed info about an apk file.
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Windows Defender detected a virus with the exe: Trojan:Win32/Fuery.B!cl #4

Closed cdytoby closed 6 years ago

cdytoby commented 6 years ago

Trojan:Win32/Fuery.B!cl on the APK-Info.exe file.

What's going on?

Enyby commented 6 years ago


Same as in 1.06. Look like false positive for any .exe compiled by AutoIt because someone once compile virus with it.

If you do not trust, you can self compile .exe from .au3 source in archive via AutoIt.

I try make exe from almost empty .au3. VirusTotal stay same - two detections. We can not fix this.

Enyby commented 6 years ago

Related: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/34658-are-my-autoit-exes-really-infected/

And: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/34658-are-my-autoit-exes-really-infected/?do=findComment&comment=1393356

So you can do same - upload APK-Info to AV support and they unmark this false positive.