EnzymeAD / Enzyme.jl

Julia bindings for the Enzyme automatic differentiator
MIT License
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Very long stack trace #560

Closed erlebach closed 1 year ago

erlebach commented 1 year ago

I am running a rude.jl from folder giesekus. The code generates an error with a stack trace of almost 1000 lines long. I attach the trace as a file and as well as the exact code I am running. Finally, I provide the Project.toml file. I am running on Mac M1 with Ventura OS.



#using Revise

using DiffEqFlux, Flux, Optim, DifferentialEquations, LinearAlgebra, OrdinaryDiffEq, DelimitedFiles
using Plots
# using Pyplot
using BSON: @save, @load
#using PyPlot

function dudt_giesekus!(du, u, p, t, gradv)
    # Destructure the parameters
    η0 = p[1]
    τ = p[2]
    α = p[3]

    # Governing equations are for components of the stress tensor
    σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23 = u

    # Specify the velocity gradient tensor
    # ∇v  ∂vᵢ / ∂xⱼ v12: partial derivative of the 1st component 
    # of v(x1, x2, x3) with respect to the 3rd component of x
    v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33 = gradv    

    # Compute the rate-of-strain (symmetric) and vorticity (antisymmetric) tensors
    γd11 = 2*v11(t)
    γd22 = 2*v22(t)
    γd33 = 2*v33(t)
    γd12 = v12(t) + v21(t)
    γd13 = v13(t) + v31(t)
    γd23 = v23(t) + v32(t)
    ω12 = v12(t) - v21(t)
    ω13 = v13(t) - v31(t)
    ω23 = v23(t) - v32(t)

    # Define F for the Giesekus model
    F11 = -τ*(σ11*γd11 + σ12*γd12 + σ13*γd13) + (α*τ/η0)*(σ11^2 + σ12^2 + σ13^2)
    F22 = -τ*(σ12*γd12 + σ22*γd22 + σ23*γd23) + (α*τ/η0)*(σ12^2 + σ22^2 + σ23^2)
    F33 = -τ*(σ13*γd13 + σ23*γd23 + σ33*γd33) + (α*τ/η0)*(σ13^2 + σ23^2 + σ33^2)
    F12 = (-τ*(σ11*γd12 + σ12*γd22 + σ13*γd23 + γd11*σ12 + γd12*σ22 + γd13*σ23)/2
       + (α*τ/η0)*(σ11*σ12 + σ12*σ22 + σ13*σ23))
    F13 = (-τ*(σ11*γd13 + σ12*γd23 + σ13*γd33 + γd11*σ13 + γd12*σ23 + γd13*σ33)/2
       + (α*τ/η0)*(σ11*σ13 + σ12*σ23 + σ13*σ33))
    F23 = (-τ*(σ12*γd13 + σ22*γd23 + σ23*γd33 + γd12*σ13 + γd22*σ23 + γd23*σ33)/2
       + (α*τ/η0)*(σ12*σ13 + σ22*σ23 + σ23*σ33))

    # The model differential equations
    du[1] = η0*γd11/τ - σ11/τ - (ω12*σ12 + ω13*σ13) - F11/τ
    du[2] = η0*γd22/τ - σ22/τ - (ω23*σ23 - ω12*σ12) - F22/τ
    du[3] = η0*γd33/τ - σ33/τ + (ω13*σ13 + ω23*σ23) - F33/τ
    du[4] = η0*γd12/τ - σ12/τ - (ω12*σ22 + ω13*σ23 - σ11*ω12 + σ13*ω23)/2 - F12/τ
    du[5] = η0*γd13/τ - σ13/τ - (ω12*σ23 + ω13*σ33 - σ11*ω13 - σ12*ω23)/2 - F13/τ
    du[6] = η0*γd23/τ - σ23/τ - (ω23*σ33 - ω12*σ13 - σ12*ω13 - σ22*ω23)/2 - F23/τ

function tbnn(σ,γd,model_weights)
    # Tensor basis neural network (TBNN)
    # Unpack the inputs
    σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23 = σ
    γd11,γd22,γd33,γd12,γd13,γd23 = γd

    # Compute elements of the tensor basis
    # T1 = I, T2 = σ, T3 = γd
    # T4 = σ⋅σ
    T4_11 = σ11^2 + σ12^2 + σ13^2
    T4_22 = σ12^2 + σ22^2 + σ23^2
    T4_33 = σ13^2 + σ23^2 + σ33^2
    T4_12 = σ11*σ12 + σ12*σ22 + σ13*σ23
    T4_13 = σ11*σ13 + σ12*σ23 + σ13*σ33
    T4_23 = σ12*σ13 + σ22*σ23 + σ23*σ33

    # T5 = γd⋅γd
    T5_11 = γd11^2 + γd12^2 + γd13^2
    T5_22 = γd12^2 + γd22^2 + γd23^2
    T5_33 = γd13^2 + γd23^2 + γd33^2
    T5_12 = γd11*γd12 + γd12*γd22 + γd13*γd23
    T5_13 = γd11*γd13 + γd12*γd23 + γd13*γd33
    T5_23 = γd12*γd13 + γd22*γd23 + γd23*γd33

    # T6 = σ⋅γd + γd⋅σ
    T6_11 = 2*(σ11*γd11 + σ12*γd12 + σ13*γd13)
    T6_22 = 2*(σ12*γd12 + σ22*γd22 + σ23*γd23)
    T6_33 = 2*(σ13*γd13 + σ23*γd23 + σ33*γd33)
    T6_12 = σ11*γd12 + σ12*γd22 + σ13*γd23 + γd11*σ12 + γd12*σ22 + γd13*σ23
    T6_13 = σ11*γd13 + σ12*γd23 + σ13*γd33 + γd11*σ13 + γd12*σ23 + γd13*σ33
    T6_23 = σ12*γd13 + σ22*γd23 + σ23*γd33 + γd12*σ13 + γd22*σ23 + γd23*σ33

    # T7 = σ⋅σ⋅γd + γd⋅σ⋅σ
    T7_11 = 2*(T4_11*γd11 + T4_12*γd12 + T4_13*γd13)
    T7_22 = 2*(T4_12*γd12 + T4_22*γd22 + T4_23*γd23)
    T7_33 = 2*(T4_13*γd13 + T4_23*γd23 + T4_33*γd33)
    T7_12 = T4_11*γd12 + T4_12*γd22 + T4_13*γd23 + γd11*T4_12 + γd12*T4_22 + γd13*T4_23
    T7_13 = T4_11*γd13 + T4_12*γd23 + T4_13*γd33 + γd11*T4_13 + γd12*T4_23 + γd13*T4_33
    T7_23 = T4_12*γd13 + T4_22*γd23 + T4_23*γd33 + γd12*T4_13 + γd22*T4_23 + γd23*T4_33

    # T8 = σ⋅γd⋅γd + γd⋅γd⋅σ
    T8_11 = 2*(σ11*T5_11 + σ12*T5_12 + σ13*T5_13)
    T8_22 = 2*(σ12*T5_12 + σ22*T5_22 + σ23*T5_23)
    T8_33 = 2*(σ13*T5_13 + σ23*T5_23 + σ33*T5_33)
    T8_12 = σ11*T5_12 + σ12*T5_22 + σ13*T5_23 + T5_11*σ12 + T5_12*σ22 + T5_13*σ23
    T8_13 = σ11*T5_13 + σ12*T5_23 + σ13*T5_33 + T5_11*σ13 + T5_12*σ23 + T5_13*σ33
    T8_23 = σ12*T5_13 + σ22*T5_23 + σ23*T5_33 + T5_12*σ13 + T5_22*σ23 + T5_23*σ33

    # T9 = σ⋅σ⋅γd⋅γd + γd⋅γd⋅σ⋅σ
    T9_11 = 2*(T4_11*T5_11 + T4_12*T5_12 + T4_13*T5_13)
    T9_22 = 2*(T4_12*T5_12 + T4_22*T5_22 + T4_23*T5_23)
    T9_33 = 2*(T4_13*T5_13 + T4_23*T5_23 + T4_33*T5_33)
    T9_12 = T4_11*T5_12 + T4_12*T5_22 + T4_13*T5_23 + T5_11*T4_12 + T5_12*T4_22 + T5_13*T4_23
    T9_13 = T4_11*T5_13 + T4_12*T5_23 + T4_13*T5_33 + T5_11*T4_13 + T5_12*T4_23 + T5_13*T4_33
    T9_23 = T4_12*T5_13 + T4_22*T5_23 + T4_23*T5_33 + T5_12*T4_13 + T5_22*T4_23 + T5_23*T4_33

    # Compute the integrity basis from scalar invariants
    # λ1 = tr(σ)
    λ1 = σ11 + σ22 + σ33

    # λ2 = tr(σ^2)
    λ2 = T4_11 + T4_22 + T4_33

    # λ3 = tr(γd^2)
    λ3 = T5_11 + T5_22 + T5_33

    # λ4 = tr(σ^3)
    λ4 = σ11*T4_11 + σ22*T4_22 + σ33*T4_33 + 2*(σ12*T4_12 + σ13*T4_13 + σ23*T4_23)

    # λ5 = tr(γd^3)
    λ5 = γd11*T5_11 + γd22*T5_22 + γd33*T5_33 + 2*(γd12*T5_12 + γd13*T5_13 + γd23*T5_23)

    # λ6 = tr(σ^2⋅γd^2)
    λ6 = T4_11*T5_11 + T4_22*T5_22 + T4_33*T5_33 + 2*(T4_12*T5_12 + T4_13*T5_13 + T4_23*T5_23)

    # λ7 = tr(σ^2⋅γd)
    λ7 = (T7_11 + T7_22 + T7_33)/2

    # λ8 = tr(σ⋅γd^2)
    λ8 = (T8_11 + T8_22 + T8_33)/2

    # λ9 = tr(σ⋅γd)
    λ9 = (T6_11 + T6_22 + T6_33)/2

    # Run the integrity basis through a neural network
    model_inputs = [λ1;λ2;λ3;λ4;λ5;λ6;λ7;λ8;λ9]
    g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8,g9 = model_univ(model_inputs, model_weights)

    # Tensor combining layer
    F11 = g1 + g2*σ11 + g3*γd11 + g4*T4_11 + g5*T5_11 + g6*T6_11 + g7*T7_11 + g8*T8_11 + g9*T9_11
    F22 = g1 + g2*σ22 + g3*γd22 + g4*T4_22 + g5*T5_22 + g6*T6_22 + g7*T7_22 + g8*T8_22 + g9*T9_22
    F33 = g1 + g2*σ33 + g3*γd33 + g4*T4_33 + g5*T5_33 + g6*T6_33 + g7*T7_33 + g8*T8_33 + g9*T9_33
    F12 = g2*σ12 + g3*γd12 + g4*T4_12 + g5*T5_12 + g6*T6_12 + g7*T7_12 + g8*T8_12 + g9*T9_12
    F13 = g2*σ13 + g3*γd13 + g4*T4_13 + g5*T5_13 + g6*T6_13 + g7*T7_13 + g8*T8_13 + g9*T9_13
    F23 = g2*σ23 + g3*γd23 + g4*T4_23 + g5*T5_23 + g6*T6_23 + g7*T7_23 + g8*T8_23 + g9*T9_23

    return F11,F22,F33,F12,F13,F23

function dudt_univ!(du, u, p, t, gradv)
    # Destructure the parameters
    model_weights = p[1:n_weights]
    η0 = p[end - 1]
    τ = p[end]

    # Governing equations are for components of the stress tensor
    σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23 = u

    # Specify the velocity gradient tensor
    v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33 = gradv

    # Compute the rate-of-strain (symmetric) and vorticity (antisymmetric) tensors
    γd11 = 2*v11(t)
    γd22 = 2*v22(t)
    γd33 = 2*v33(t) 
    γd12 = v12(t) + v21(t)
    γd13 = v13(t) + v31(t)
    γd23 = v23(t) + v32(t)

    # Run stress/strain through a TBNN
    γd = [γd11,γd22,γd33,γd12,γd13,γd23]
    F11,F22,F33,F12,F13,F23 = tbnn(u,γd,model_weights)

    # The model differential equations
    dσ11 = η0*γd11/τ - σ11/τ + 2*v11(t)*σ11 + v21(t)*σ12 + v31(t)*σ13 + σ12*v21(t) + σ13*v31(t) - F11/τ
    dσ22 = η0*γd22/τ - σ22/τ + 2*v22(t)*σ22 + v12(t)*σ12 + v32(t)*σ23 + σ12*v12(t) + σ23*v32(t) - F22/τ
    dσ33 = η0*γd33/τ - σ33/τ + 2*v33(t)*σ33 + v13(t)*σ13 + v23(t)*σ23 + σ13*v13(t) + σ23*v23(t) - F33/τ
    dσ12 = η0*γd12/τ - σ12/τ + v11(t)*σ12 + v21(t)*σ22 + v31(t)*σ23 + σ11*v12(t) + σ12*v22(t) + σ13*v32(t) - F12/τ
    dσ13 = η0*γd13/τ - σ13/τ + v11(t)*σ13 + v21(t)*σ23 + v31(t)*σ33 + σ11*v13(t) + σ12*v23(t) + σ13*v33(t) - F13/τ
    dσ23 = η0*γd23/τ - σ23/τ + v12(t)*σ13 + v22(t)*σ23 + v32(t)*σ33 + σ12*v13(t) + σ22*v23(t) + σ23*v33(t) - F23/τ

    # Update in place
    du[1] = dσ11
    du[2] = dσ22
    du[3] = dσ33
    du[4] = dσ12
    du[5] = dσ13
    du[6] = dσ23

function ensemble_solve(θ,ensemble,protocols,tspans,σ0,trajectories)
    # Define the (default) ODEProblem
    dudt_protocol!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_univ!(du,u,p,t,protocols[1])
    prob = ODEProblem(dudt_protocol!, σ0, tspans[1], θ)

    # Remake the problem for different protocols
    function prob_func(prob, i, repeat)
        dudt_remade!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_univ!(du,u,p,t,protocols[i])
        remake(prob, f=dudt_remade!, tspan=tspans[i])

    ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func=prob_func)
    sim = solve(ensemble_prob, Tsit5(), ensemble, trajectories=trajectories, saveat=0.2)

function loss_univ(θ,protocols,tspans,σ0,σ12_all,trajectories)
    loss = 0
    results = ensemble_solve(θ,EnsembleThreads(),protocols,tspans,σ0,trajectories)
    for k = range(1,trajectories,step=1)
        σ12_pred = results[k][4,:]
        σ12_data = σ12_all[k]
        loss += sum(abs2, σ12_pred - σ12_data)
    loss += 0.01*norm(θ,1)   # L1 norm for sparsification
    return loss

# Define the simple shear deformation protocol
v11(t) = 0
v12(t) = 0
v13(t) = 0
v22(t) = 0
v23(t) = 0
v31(t) = 0
v32(t) = 0
v33(t) = 0

# Iniitial conditions and time span
tspan = (0.0f0, 12f0)
tsave = range(tspan[1],tspan[2],length=50)
σ0 = [0f0,0f0,0f0,0f0,0f0,0f0]

# Build the protocols for different 'experiments'
ω = 1f0
v21_1(t) = 1*cos(ω*t)
v21_2(t) = 2*cos(ω*t)
v21_3(t) = 1*cos(ω*t/2)
v21_4(t) = 2*cos(ω*t/2)
v21_5(t) = 1*cos(2*ω*t)
v21_6(t) = 2*cos(2*ω*t)
v21_7(t) = 1*cos(ω*t/3)
v21_8(t) = 2*cos(ω*t/3)
# GE: How are v11, etc computed? All others are set to zero. 
gradv_1 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_1,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_2 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_2,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_3 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_3,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_4 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_4,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_5 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_5,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_6 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_6,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_7 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_7,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_8 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_8,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
protocols = [gradv_1, gradv_2, gradv_3, gradv_4, gradv_5, gradv_6, gradv_7, gradv_8]
tspans = [tspan, tspan, tspan, tspan, tspan, tspan, tspan, tspan]
tsaves = [tsave, tsave, tsave, tsave, tsave, tsave, tsave, tsave]

# Solve for the Giesekus model
η0 = 1
τ = 1
α = 0.8
p_giesekus = [η0,τ,α]
σ12_all = Any[]
t_all = Any[]
for k = range(1,length(protocols),step=1)
    dudt!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_giesekus!(du,u,p,t,protocols[k])
    prob_giesekus = ODEProblem(dudt!, σ0, tspans[k], p_giesekus)
    solve_giesekus = solve(prob_giesekus,Rodas4(),saveat=0.2)
    σ12_data = solve_giesekus[4,:]
    push!(t_all, solve_giesekus.t)
    push!(σ12_all, σ12_data)

# NN model for the nonlinear function F(σ,γ̇)
model_univ = FastChain(FastDense(9, 32, tanh),
                       FastDense(32, 32, tanh),
                       FastDense(32, 9))

# The protocol at which we'll start continuation training
# (choose start_at > length(protocols) to skip training)
start_at = 9

# Retrain the network from scratch
start_at = 1

if start_at > 1
    # Load the pre-trained model if not starting from scratch
    @load "tbnn.bson" θi
    p_model = θi
    n_weights = length(θi)
    # The model weights are destructured into a vector of parameters
    p_model = initial_params(model_univ)
    n_weights = length(p_model)
    p_model = zeros(n_weights)

# Parameters of the linear response (η0,τ)
p_system = Float32[1, 1]

θ0 = zeros(size(p_model))
θi = p_model

# Callback function to print the iteration number and loss
iter = 0
callback = function (θ, l, protocols, tspans, σ0, σ12_all, trajectories)
  global iter
  iter += 1
  return false

# Continutation training loop
#for k = range(start_at,length(protocols),step=1)
#for k = range(start_at,1,step=1)
k = 1
    loss_fn(θ) = loss_univ([θ; p_system], protocols[1:k], tspans[1:k], σ0, σ12_all, k)
    cb_fun(θ, l) = callback(θ, l, protocols[1:k], tspans[1:k], σ0, σ12_all, k)
    result_univ = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_fn, θi,
                         cb = cb_fun,
                         allow_f_increases = false,
                         maxiters = 5)   # maxiters = 200
                         #maxiters = 200), crashed with no stack, exited from terminal. Ran out of memory?
    global θi = result_univ.minimizer
    @save "tbnn.bson" θi

# Write weights to text files for OpenFOAM 
writedlm("OpenFOAM/RUDE/weights1.txt", θi[1:10*32])
writedlm("OpenFOAM/RUDE/weights2.txt", θi[10*32 + 1:10*32 + 33*32])
writedlm("OpenFOAM/RUDE/weights3.txt", θi[10*32 + 33*32 + 1:end])

# Build full parameter vectors for model testing
θ0 = [θ0; p_system]
θi = [θi; p_system]

# Test the UDE on a new condition
v21_1(t) = 2*cos(3*ω*t/4)
v21_2(t) = 2*cos(ω*t)
v21_3(t) = 2*cos(ω*t)
v21_4(t) = 1.5f0
gradv_1 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_1,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_2 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_2,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_3 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_3,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
gradv_4 = [v11,v12,v13,v21_4,v22,v23,v31,v32,v33]
protocols = [gradv_1, gradv_2, gradv_3, gradv_4]
target = ["σ12","N1","N2","σ12"]
tspan = (0.0f0, 12.0f0)

plots = []
for k = range(1,length(protocols),step=1)  # ORIGINAL
    # Solve the Giesekus model
    dudt!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_giesekus!(du,u,p,t,protocols[k])
    #local prob_giesekus = ODEProblem(dudt!, σ0, tspan, p_giesekus) # ORIG
    prob_giesekus = ODEProblem(dudt!, σ0, tspan, p_giesekus)
    #local solve_giesekus = solve(prob_giesekus,Tsit5(),saveat=0.1) # ORIG
    solve_giesekus = solve(prob_giesekus,Tsit5(),saveat=0.1)
    #local σ12_data = solve_giesekus[4,:] # ORIG
    σ12_data = solve_giesekus[4,:]
    N1_data = solve_giesekus[1,:] - solve_giesekus[2,:]
    N2_data = solve_giesekus[2,:] - solve_giesekus[3,:]

    # Solve the UDE pre-training
    dudt_ude!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_univ!(du,u,p,t,protocols[k])
    #local prob_univ = ODEProblem(dudt_ude!, σ0, tspan, θ0) # ORIG
    prob_univ = ODEProblem(dudt_ude!, σ0, tspan, θ0) 
    # local sol_pre = solve(prob_univ, Tsit5(),abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-6, saveat=0.1) # ORIG
    sol_pre = solve(prob_univ, Tsit5(),abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-6, saveat=0.1)
    σ12_ude_pre = sol_pre[4,:]
    N1_ude_pre = sol_pre[1,:] - sol_pre[2,:]
    N2_ude_pre = sol_pre[2,:] - sol_pre[3,:]

    # Solve the UDE post-training
    prob_univ = ODEProblem(dudt_ude!, σ0, tspan, θi)
    sol_univ = solve(prob_univ, Tsit5(),abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-6, saveat=0.1)
    σ12_ude_post = sol_univ[4,:]
    N1_ude_post = sol_univ[1,:] - sol_univ[2,:]
    N2_ude_post = sol_univ[2,:] - sol_univ[3,:]

    # Plot
    println("target: ", target[k])
    plot(xlabel="Both", xlims=(0,12))
    if target[k] == "σ12"
        plot!(sol_pre.t,σ12_ude_pre,lw=2, c=:blue, ls=:dash, title="σ12") 
        plot!(sol_univ.t,σ12_ude_post,lw=2, c=:red) 
        plot_σ12 = plot!(solve_giesekus.t[1:2:end],σ12_data[1:2:end], c=:black, m=:o, ms=2) 
        push!(plots, plot_σ12)
    elseif target[k] == "N1"
        plot!(sol_pre.t,N1_ude_pre, lw=2, c=:blue, ls=:dash, title="N1")  
        plot!(sol_univ.t,N1_ude_post,lw=2, c=:red) 
        plot_N1 = plot!(solve_giesekus.t[1:2:end],N1_data[1:2:end], m=:o, ms=2, c=:black)
        push!(plots, plot_N1)
    elseif target[k] == "N2"
        plot!(sol_pre.t,N2_ude_pre,lw=2, c=:blue, title="N2", ls=:dash) 
        plot_N2 = plot!(solve_giesekus.t,N2_data, m=:o, ms=2) 
        push!(plots, plot_N2)
    elseif target[k] == "ηE"
        plot!(sol_pre.t,-N2_ude_pre-N1_ude_pre, lw=2, c=:blue, title="ηE", ls=:dash) 
        plot!(sol_univ.t,-N2_ude_post-N1_ude_post, lw=2, c=:red) 
        plot_N2N1 = plot!(solve_giesekus.t,-N2_data-N1_data, c=:black, m=:o, ms=2) 
        push!(plots, plot_N2N1)
    #ax[:tick_params](axis="both", direction="in", which="both", right="true", top="true", labelsize=12)
final_plot = plot(plots...)
savefig(final_plot, "final_plot.pdf")

And finally, the packages loaded (Pkg.status):

Status `~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/Project.toml`
  [fbb218c0] BSON v0.3.6
  [aae7a2af] DiffEqFlux v1.53.0
  [0c46a032] DifferentialEquations v7.6.0
  [587475ba] Flux v0.13.9
  [429524aa] Optim v1.7.4
  [1dea7af3] OrdinaryDiffEq v6.35.1
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.38.0
  [d330b81b] PyPlot v2.11.0
  [295af30f] Revise v3.4.0
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra
wsmoses commented 1 year ago

Can you retry this on latest Enzyme main to confirm. cc @ChrisRackauckas

erlebach commented 1 year ago

How do I do that using the package manager? You'll notice that I do not add enzyme specifically to my project. I did a package update, which updated Flux and DiffEqFlux. However, looking at the Manifest, which I will attach here along with my latest Project.toml (I uploaded a zip file with both), there was no change to Zygote.

I could also try replacing sciml_train with the proper version from Optimization.jl?

Perhaps you are asking @ChrisRackauckas to update DiffEqFLux with the latest version of Zygote.jl? From the Manifest:

 deps = ["Adapt", "Cassette", "ChainRulesCore", "ConsoleProgressMonitor", "D     ataInterpolations", "DiffEqBase", "DiffResults", "Distributions", "Distribu     tionsAD", "Flux", "ForwardDiff", "LinearAlgebra", "Logging", "LoggingExtras     ", "Lux", "NNlib", "Optim", "Optimization", "OptimizationFlux", "Optimizati     onOptimJL", "OptimizationPolyalgorithms", "Printf", "ProgressLogging", "Ran     dom", "RecursiveArrayTools", "Reexport", "Requires", "SciMLBase", "SciMLSen     sitivity", "StaticArrays", "TerminalLoggers", "Zygote", "ZygoteRules"]

deps = ["AbstractFFTs", "ChainRules", "ChainRulesCore", "DiffRules", "Distributed", "FillArrays", "ForwardDiff", "GPUArrays", "GPUArraysCore", "IRTools", "InteractiveUtils", "LinearAlgebra", "LogExpFunctions", "MacroTools", "NaNMath", "Random", "Requires", "SparseArrays", "SpecialFunctions", "Statistics", "ZygoteRules"]
git-tree-sha1 = "a6f1287943ac05fae56fa06049d1a7846dfbc65f"
uuid = "e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f"
version = "0.6.51"

Zygote.jl is at version 0.10.x, while DiffEqFlux uses Zygote of an earlier version.

Finally, I just created a new project, and added only Zygote.jl to the Project.toml file. I got Zygote version 0.6.51 and not the latest version. That would imply that the package manager is not retrieving the latest version of Zygote.jl. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? I though the latest version would have been retrieved since there are other packages it could conflict with.




ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

He means, do ]add Enzyme#main and see if you get an error instead of a segfault. Enzyme has some commits on main which aren't tagged.

erlebach commented 1 year ago

OK. I did as requested and got: the error:

WARNING: redefinition of constant host_platform. This may fail, cause
incorrect answers, or produce other errors.
┌ Error: Error watching manifest
│   exception =
│    MethodError: no method matching
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] top-level scope
│       @ ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/QpMQW/src/toplevel_generators.jl:156
│    Revise evaluation error at
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] methods_by_execution!(recurse::Any,
methodinfo::Revise.CodeTrackingMethodInfo, docexprs::Dict{Module,
Vector{Expr}}, mod::Module, ex::Expr; mode::Symbol, disablebp::Bool,
always_rethrow::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{},
NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
│       @ Revise ~/.julia/packages/Revise/do2nH/src/lowered.jl:227
└ @ Revise ~/.julia/packages/Revise/do2nH/src/pkgs.jl:477

although installation seemed to proceed nonetheless. It is now precompiling "stuff", including DiffEqFlux.

I notice that only deps.SciMLSensitivity uses Enzyme.jl. DiffEqFlux must have been upgraded, because AMSGrad is no longer exported. I replaced by DiffEqFlux.AMSGrad. I am running the command:

 result_univ = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_fn, θi,
    cb = cb_fun,
    allow_f_increases = false,
    maxiters = 5)

Yes! I got a regular stack trace. Here it is:

WARNING: both OptimizationOptimisers and Flux export "AMSGrad"; uses of it
in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: UndefVarError: AMSGrad not defined
 [1] top-level scope
   @ ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:324

┌ Warning: sciml_train is being deprecated in favor of direct usage of
Optimization.jl. Please consult the Optimization.jl documentation for more
details. Optimization.jl's PolyOpt solver is the polyalgorithm of
└ @ DiffEqFlux ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqFlux/2IJEZ/src/train.jl:6
ERROR: UndefVarError: callback not defined
 [1] cb_fun(θ::Vector{Float64}, l::Float64)
   @ Main ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:323
 [2] macro expansion
   @ ~/.julia/packages/OptimizationFlux/zHcx5/src/OptimizationFlux.jl:34
 [3] macro expansion
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Optimization/o00ZS/src/utils.jl:37 [inlined]
 [4] __solve(prob::OptimizationProblem{true, OptimizationFunction{true,
Optimization.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#93#100"{typeof(loss_fn)}, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED_NO_TIME), Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Vector{Float64},
SciMLBase.NullParameters, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
Nothing, Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol},
NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}}},
data::Base.Iterators.Cycle{Tuple{Optimization.NullData}}; maxiters::Int64,
callback::Function, progress::Bool, save_best::Bool,
kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol},
NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}})
   @ OptimizationFlux
 [5] #solve#536
   @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/VKnrY/src/solve.jl:84 [inlined]
 [6] sciml_train(::typeof(loss_fn), ::Vector{Float64},
::Flux.Optimise.AMSGrad, ::Nothing; lower_bounds::Nothing,
upper_bounds::Nothing, cb::Function, callback::Function, maxiters::Int64,
kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol},
NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}})
   @ DiffEqFlux ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqFlux/2IJEZ/src/train.jl:43
 [7] top-level scope
   @ ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:324

On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 10:15 AM Christopher Rackauckas < @.***> wrote:

He means, do ]add Enzyme#main and see if you get an error instead of a segfault. Enzyme has some commits on main which aren't tagged.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl/issues/560#issuecomment-1364033411, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AACPIZFBXSZ3WZ5QQYBXW7DWOW6ZJANCNFSM6AAAAAATHG6FSE . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

erlebach commented 1 year ago

I tried replying by email, did not work. Here are the results of the request:

OK. I did as requested and got: the error: 

┌ Error: Error watching manifest
│   exception =
│    MethodError: no method matching (::Enzyme_jll.var"#make_wrapper_dict#4"{Enzyme_jll.var"#parse_wrapper_platform#3"})(::String, ::Vector{String})
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] top-level scope
│       @ ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/QpMQW/src/toplevel_generators.jl:156
│    Revise evaluation error at /Users/erlebach/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/QpMQW/src/toplevel_generators.jl:156
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] methods_by_execution!(recurse::Any, methodinfo::Revise.CodeTrackingMethodInfo, docexprs::Dict{Module, Vector{Expr}}, mod::Module, ex::Expr; mode::Symbol, disablebp::Bool, always_rethrow::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
│       @ Revise ~/.julia/packages/Revise/do2nH/src/lowered.jl:227
└ @ Revise ~/.julia/packages/Revise/do2nH/src/pkgs.jl:477

although installation seemed to proceed nonetheless. It is now precompiling "stuff", including DiffEqFlux.  I notice that only deps.SciMLSensitivity uses Enzyme.jl. DiffEqFlux must have been upgraded, because AMSGrad is no longer exported. I replaced by DiffEqFlux.AMSGrad. I am running the command: 

 result_univ = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_fn, θi,
                         cb = cb_fun,
                         allow_f_increases = false,
                         maxiters = 5)  

Yes! I got a regular stack trace. Here it is:

 ``` WARNING: both OptimizationOptimisers and Flux export "AMSGrad"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified ERROR: UndefVarError: AMSGrad not defined Stacktrace:  [1] top-level scope    @ ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:324

┌ Warning: sciml_train is being deprecated in favor of direct usage of Optimization.jl. Please consult the Optimization.jl documentation for more details. Optimization.jl's PolyOpt solver is the polyalgorithm of sciml_train └ @ DiffEqFlux ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqFlux/2IJEZ/src/train.jl:6 ERROR: UndefVarError: callback not defined Stacktrace:  [1] cb_fun(θ::Vector{Float64}, l::Float64)    @ Main ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:323  [2] macro expansion    @ ~/.julia/packages/OptimizationFlux/zHcx5/src/OptimizationFlux.jl:34 [inlined]  [3] macro expansion    @ ~/.julia/packages/Optimization/o00ZS/src/utils.jl:37 [inlined]  [4] __solve(prob::OptimizationProblem{true, OptimizationFunction{true, Optimization.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#93#100"{typeof(loss_fn)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED_NO_TIME), Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Vector{Float64}, SciMLBase.NullParameters, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}}}, opt::Flux.Optimise.AMSGrad, data::Base.Iterators.Cycle{Tuple{Optimization.NullData}}; maxiters::Int64, callback::Function, progress::Bool, save_best::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}})    @ OptimizationFlux ~/.julia/packages/OptimizationFlux/zHcx5/src/OptimizationFlux.jl:31  [5] #solve#536    @ ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/VKnrY/src/solve.jl:84 [inlined]  [6] sciml_train(::typeof(loss_fn), ::Vector{Float64}, ::Flux.Optimise.AMSGrad, ::Nothing; lower_bounds::Nothing, upper_bounds::Nothing, cb::Function, callback::Function, maxiters::Int64, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:allow_f_increases,), Tuple{Bool}}})    @ DiffEqFlux ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqFlux/2IJEZ/src/train.jl:43  [7] top-level scope    @ ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/rude.jl:324

Status results: 

Status ~/src/2022/rude/giesekus/Project.toml [fbb218c0] BSON v0.3.6 [aae7a2af] DiffEqFlux v1.53.0 [0c46a032] DifferentialEquations v7.6.0 [7da242da] Enzyme v0.10.12 https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl.git#main [587475ba] Flux v0.13.10 [429524aa] Optim v1.7.4 [7f7a1694] Optimization v3.10.0 [36348300] OptimizationOptimJL v0.1.5 [42dfb2eb] OptimizationOptimisers v0.1.1 [1dea7af3] OrdinaryDiffEq v6.35.1 [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.38.0 [295af30f] Revise v3.4.0 [e88e6eb3] Zygote v0.6.51 [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra

(I did not include `using   Enzyme` in my code). It is only used by `SciMLSensitivity.jl`. Here is the `Enzyme` entry in the `Manifest.toml` file: 

[[deps.Enzyme]] deps = ["CEnum", "EnzymeCore", "Enzyme_jll", "GPUCompiler", "LLVM", "Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "ObjectFile", "Oceananigans", "Printf", "Random"] git-tree-sha1 = "c2b739530f2c209a2629734edf4380e029e543f5" repo-rev = "main" repo-url = "https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl.git" uuid = "7da242da-08ed-463a-9acd-ee780be4f1d9" version = "0.10.12"

ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

That's good. This should probably be closed then as it seems Enzyme fixed this on main. @wsmoses any way we can get a tag?

We can continue updating the rest of your code in a different thread. Seems like it has some old stuff in there.

I could also try replacing sciml_train with the proper version from Optimization.jl?

Yes it throws a big warning saying that should be done. DiffEqFlux was simplified to just being about the machine learning layers, with the adjoints being in SciMLSensitivity (which will be loaded automatically on Julia v1.9 when weak dependencies comes out). So you want to using Optimization, OptimizationFlux and then solve the optimization there. Let's follow up in a separate Discourse post so we don't bug Billy.