EnzymeAD / Enzyme

High-performance automatic differentiation of LLVM and MLIR.
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Compiling with -O{1,2,3} breaks custom rule that works with -O0 #1994

Open cgeoga opened 1 month ago

cgeoga commented 1 month ago

My usual preface: apologies if I have missed relevant docs or existing/past issues on this.

I have some C code that uses a custom forward-mode rule. Compiled with -O0, that rule gets triggered. But if I compile with any higher optimization level, the custom rule does not get triggered (which I investigate using a simple print statement). Here is an MWE:


int enzyme_const, enzyme_dup, enzyme_dupnoneed;
double __enzyme_fwddiff(void*, ...);

static void ipabsterm(double* at, double* t){
  *at = fabs(*t);

static void derivative_ipabsterm(double* at, double* d_at,
                                 double*  t, double* d_t){
  *at   = fmax(*t, *d_t);
  *d_at = fmax(*t, *d_t);

void* __enzyme_register_derivative_ipabsterm[] = {

double __attribute__((optnone)) absterm(double t){
  double at;
  ipabsterm(&at, &t);
  return at;

double _fma(double x, double y, double z){
  return x*y + z;

double horner(double x, double* coefs, int len) {
  double b_p1 = coefs[len-1];
  double b    = 0.0;
  for(int k=len-1; k>0; k--){
    b = coefs[k-1] + x*b_p1;
    b_p1 = b;
  return b;

double gamma(double _x) {

  const double sq2pi = sqrt(2*M_PI);

    double x = _x;
    double s;
    if(x < 0) {
        s = sin(M_PI * _x);
        if(s == 0) return NAN;
        x = -x;
        s *= x;
    if(!isfinite(x)) return x;

    if(x > 11.5) {
        double w = 1/x; 
        double coefs[10] = {1.0,
            8.333333333333331800504e-2, 3.472222222230075327854e-3, -2.681327161876304418288e-3, -2.294719747873185405699e-4,
            7.840334842744753003862e-4, 6.989332260623193171870e-5, -5.950237554056330156018e-4, -2.363848809501759061727e-5,
        w = horner(w, coefs, 10);
        double muladd = _fma(0.5, x, -0.25);
        double v = pow(x, muladd);
        double res = sq2pi * v * (v / exp(x)) * w;

        if(_x < 0) {
            return M_PI / (res * s);
        } else {
            return res;
    double P[8] = {
        1.000000000000000000009e0, 8.378004301573126728826e-1, 3.629515436640239168939e-1, 1.113062816019361559013e-1,
        2.385363243461108252554e-2, 4.092666828394035500949e-3, 4.542931960608009155600e-4, 4.212760487471622013093e-5
    double Q[9] = {
        9.999999999999999999908e-1, 4.150160950588455434583e-1, -2.243510905670329164562e-1, -4.633887671244534213831e-2,
        2.773706565840072979165e-2, -7.955933682494738320586e-4, -1.237799246653152231188e-3, 2.346584059160635244282e-4,

    double z = 1.0;
    while(x >= 3.0) {
        x -= 1.0;
        z *= x;
    while(x < 2.0) {
        z /= x;
        x += 1.0;

    x -= 2.0;
    double p = horner(x, P, 8);
    double q = horner(x, Q, 9);
    return _x < 0 ? M_PI * q / (s * z * p) : z * p / q;

double besselk_power_series(double v, double x) {
  double gam    = gamma(v); 
  double ngam   = M_PI/(sin(-M_PI*fabs(v))*gam*v);
  double s1, s2, t1, t2, at1;
  s1 = 0.0 ; s2 = 0.0 ; t1 = 1.0; t2 = 1.0;
  double xx     = x*x;
  double fourk  = 0.0;
  for(int k=1; k<50; k++) {
    fourk = 4*k;
    s1 += t1;
    s2 += t2;
    t1 *= xx/(fourk*(k-v));
    t2 *= xx/(fourk*(k+v));
    at1 = absterm(t1);
    if (at1 <= 2.220446049250313e-16) break;
  double xpv = pow(x/2, v);
  double s   = gam*s1 + xpv*xpv*ngam*s2;
  return s/(2*xpv);

double test(double v, double x) {
    double dv = 1.0;
    double df = __enzyme_fwddiff((void*) besselk_power_series, enzyme_dup, v, dv, enzyme_const, x);
    return df;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  printf("%1.16e\n", test(1.02, 1.51));
  return 0;

Which I compile with

clang mwe.c -fplugin=/usr/lib/ClangEnzyme-18.so -O0 -Rpass=.* -lm -fno-vectorize -fno-slp-vectorize -fno-unroll-loops -Wall -pedantic -o mwe

on linux with clang 18. When the compiled code actually hits the rule, ./mwe will print a handful of Hi! lines before giving the solution.

I have the -Rpass=.* flag to see all the compiler optimizations that get done, and depending on a few small tweaks I sometimes get something like

libmatern.c:[...]: remark: Cannot use provided custom derivative pass [-Rpass=enzyme]

for ipabsterm. But I'm really having trouble figuring out what compiler optimization is breaking things. As you can see with the attribute I've put for that function, I was suspicious that the function was getting inlined and the loop vectorized, which maybe was breaking things. But nothing I have tried has fixed it.

Any thoughts or suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much in advance.

gmaney17 commented 1 month ago

Here is a further reduced example which has a very similar issue:

double __enzyme_fwddiff(void*, ...);

static void absterm_(const double *src, double *dest) { *dest = fabs(*src) * *src; }

void derivative_absterm_(const double* src, const double *d_src, const double* dest, double* d_dest) {
        printf("Inside absterm derivative.\n");
        *d_dest = 100; 

void* __enzyme_register_derivative_absterm[] = { 

double absterm(double x) {
        double y;
        absterm_(&x, &y);
        return y;

double math_function(double x) {
        return (absterm(x));

int main() {
        double number = 2.0;
        double test = __enzyme_fwddiff((void*)math_function, number, 1.0);
        printf("test output: %f\n", test);


Which when compiled with: clang test_customfwd.c -O0 -o customfwd -fplugin=/usr/lib/ClangEnzyme-14.so Outputs this: Inside absterm derivative. test output: 100.000000 Though, when compiled with -O3 outputs: test output: 4.000000

Then, once I compile with -fno-inline: clang test_customfwd.c -O3 -o customfwd -fno-inline -fplugin=/usr/lib/ClangEnzyme-14.so The problem is completely solved in this example with that flag. Sadly, this solution does not work for cgeoga's original mwe.c, but I hope it can give a step in the right direction.

cgeoga commented 1 month ago

So, we have an update here and a working fix. I'll leave the question of whether or not to close this up to you.

As a tiny amount of background, the point of this issue is that we have code for evaluating a series $g(x) = \sum_j f_j(x)$ to convergence. But (assuming sufficiently good behavior that this is allowed) $\frac{d}{d x} g(x) = \sum_j \frac{d}{d x} f_j(x)$ converges a bit more slowly. So in a code where you effectively compute terms until abs(new_term) < convergence_epsilon, we needed something that allowed us to sort of trick the compiler to continue accumulating terms until abs(d_new_term_dx) < convergence_epsilon as well.

The solution ended up looking like this:

// This part is actually the code we used:

// These attributes are very important---without them, compiling with any -O
// flag besides -O0 silently breaks this rule (or verbosely breaks it, if you
// compile with -Rpass=enzyme). 
void __attribute__((noinline,optnone)) isconverged(double* t, double* result) {
  *result = fabs(*t) - EPS;

void disconverged(double* t,      double* d_t, 
                  double* result, double* d_result) {
  *result = fmax(fabs(*t) - EPS, fabs(*d_t) - EPS);

void* __enzyme_register_derivative_converged[] = {

// [... stuff ...]

// This part is _pseudocode_:

double my_series_fun(double x, [...]) {

  // don't want to copy redundant things here...
  double stuff = [...];

  double out = 0.0, cvg   = 1.0;

  for(int k=1; k<50; k++){
    newterm = [...];
    out += newterm;
    isconverged(&newterm, &cvg);
    if(cvg < 0.0) break;
  return out;

The attributes optnone and noinline were crucial for this to continue working if compiling with O* flags.