EonOGFN / OG-Fortnite-Arena

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how can i use the placement points code on reboot ? #1

Open riftflopper opened 1 week ago

riftflopper commented 1 week ago

i got the kill code working but now i want the placement code to work like to what do i change the Player part of the code do I change it to like KillerPlayerState or something cause player is not in reboot

EonOGFN commented 1 week ago

Just loop through all alive players with GameMode->GetAlivePlayers(); and apply the placement to each. Don’t worry about KillerPlayerState

riftflopper commented 1 week ago

I don't really get it I mean did do the GameMode->GetAlivePlayers(): thing I tried to loop it with that but I'm not the best at coding yet so I sadly can't do much with that info. Oh and does it also go in FortPlayerController.cpp ?

Anyways is there a way to get the arena widgets working on chapter 2 seasons ingame without pak ? Like if I code it in the backend will the purple/blue points indicator show up in-game without any type of pak ?

wiktorwiktor11 commented 1 day ago

yea u can get the arena widget without a pak, but mr plague doesn't know how to ofc