Eonasdan / tempus-dominus

A powerful Date/time picker widget.
MIT License
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Date format changes when the date is entered in the input field #2537

Closed duvel3 closed 2 years ago

duvel3 commented 2 years ago

Bug reports must include:

Windows 10 19044.1586 Microsoft Edge 100.0.1185.29 (Official build) (64-bit) tempus-dominus 6.0.0-beta5

When the date is entered by hand (so when you not use the date picker) then the month/day gets swapped each time the entered date exists (so 04/12 will be swapped to 12/05 instead of 05/12, but 13/12 will correctly be formatted to 14/12). I can reproduce the issue with all datepicker examples on your site except the Linked pickers, which doesn't swap.

As seen on the image below, I only changed the day (04 to 05 to 06), but the datetime picker swaps the day and month on each edit. This issue does only occurs when the date is manually edited in the field. Datepicker issue

eryx12o45 commented 2 years ago

I have exactly the same problem, as I want to display dates which come from the db, I've tried to do so by using the "defaultDate" param, unfortunately this doesn't fill in the date into the input field anymore, therefore I tried filling in the input field's "value" param with the database value "manually" which results in exactly the same behaviour as mentioned above.

Mac OS 12.3.1 Google Chrome Version 100.0.4896.127 (Offizieller Build) (arm64) tempus-dominus 6.0.0-beta5.1

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem with some dates that gets to the input already formatted, like 09/05/2022 for May 9th and it gets swapped to 05/09/2022. Came here to look for a solution, and indeed, that's an incredibly annoying bug, you CAN'T enter a date by hand as it will get swapped immediately!

I think this should be considered critical, tbh, as a basic behavior (entering by hand, or copy-pasting something like 09/05/2022) simply won't work!

I mean, go click today's date, click out. Come back in, add a space, click out - it switched. And you can do it again, and again, and again.... It's kinda addictive but it misses the point, right?

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

I do not experience this issue. What's your browser's locale? You can find this easily by going to this stackblitz

duvel3 commented 2 years ago

@Eonasdan My locale is en-GB, but I don't have this issue on my other pc with locale 'nl'. On both browsers I get this problem with the Russian locale example on your site.

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

Your browser's locale is "fr-FR"

I can confirm that if I simply add a space on the stackblitz it switches day and month.

DragosChirila commented 2 years ago


I have a similar problem.

Because my browser's locale is en-US, I am setting up the picker like this:

    $(function () {
        new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(
                localization: {
                    locale: 'en-GB'

What happens is:

Am I missing something here? Thanks

Konstanty commented 2 years ago

Same issue for 10 MAY -> 12 MAY for myself too. Locale is en-AU on the browser.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

The issue here is that the native javascript date object is dumb and extremely limited. If you did new Date('12/04/2022') in the console you would see that get translated to "Sun Dec 04 2022 00:00:00".

I choose not to force an external date library (dayjs/moment/etc.) to avoid the extra dependencies and to make it easy to go from 4/5 => v6. The problem is that my date extension is not as robust as one of those libraries.

I see three solutions to this:

  1. Overwrite the dates.parseInput. You can either parser the input yourself or use a date lib to work this out. I recommend doing this for the time being.
  2. I can extend the localization files to include format patterns similar to this.
  3. Require a date library as a dependency.

It's easy for me to recommend (1) because it doesn't add any work for me 😁 .

I'm leaning towards (2). This means that I also have to make sure the picker is able to parse those formats.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

Please take a look at this. I found some code that tries to guess the locales default format. Let me know your results.

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks :) I will try it next week somehow. And yes I agree, (2) is the best option. Or at least document the issue in the docs and give examples on how to resolve it with (1).

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

You can look at the plugin docs here for an example of the overwriting a function.

duvel3 commented 2 years ago

Hey @Eonasdan the fix with the momentjs plugin solved the problem, but we have the problem that we uses multiple configurations (datepickers with and without seconds for example), but this fix will parse all with/without seconds. So I tried the Per Picker fix, but this won't work for me, the formatInput won't format it correctly for me, while the setFromInput will give me a "value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format" exception.

The strangest thing is that I use the 'nl' locale in the datetime picker setup with: tempusDominus.loadLocale(tempusDominus.locales.nl); tempusDominus.locale(tempusDominus.locales.nl.name);

When I use a en-GB browser it won't format it correctly but with a 'nl' browser it will parse the dates correctly. I think option 2 would be the best for all people who want to use your library.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

@duvel3 you don't have to use moment btw, you can use dayjs or whatever. If you aren't using moment for anything else, I'd highly recommend you use dayjs instead.

You can use the plugin as an example for how you could make this work. If you took the parsing bits outside of the plugin you could do what you needed per picker. There's also a meta property on the options object that you can add any property you want. So you could add your per picker format there and then in your parser, grab this property to format the date.

Please take a look at this. I am trying to figure out if this code is smart enough to properly figure out a format string.

fgiamma commented 2 years ago

Hello @Eonasdan, having the same issue I tried to follow various suggestions but I can't still figure out how to solve the problem.

My browser in in English, but I need to have the date in Italian for my customers. I set the date in the picker configuration:

`var itLocale = { today: "Oggi", clear: "Pulisci", close: "Chiudi", selectMonth: "Seleziona mese", previousMonth: "Mese precedente", nextMonth: "Mese successivo", selectYear: "Seleziona anno", previousYear: "Anno precedente", nextYear: "Anno successivo", selectDecade: "Seleziona decade", previousDecade: "Decade precedente", nextDecade: "Decade successiva", previousCentury: "Secolo precedente", nextCentury: "Secolo successivo", pickHour: "Seleziona ora", incrementHour: "Incrementa ora", decrementHour: "Decrementa ora", pickMinute: "Seleziona minuto", incrementMinute: "Incrementa minuto", decrementMinute: "Decrementa minuto", pickSecond: "Seleziona secondo", incrementSecond: "Incrementa secondo", decrementSecond: "Decrementa secondo", toggleMeridiem: "Imposta pomeriggio", selectTime: "Seleziona ora", selectDate: "seleziona data", dayViewHeaderFormat: "long", locale: "it-IT", startOfTheWeek: 1 };

    var picker = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(document.getElementById('datetimepicker1'), {
        display: {
            viewMode: 'calendar',
            components: {
                useTwentyfourHour: true,
                decades: true,
                year: true,
                month: true,
                date: true,
                hours: true,
                minutes: true,
                seconds: false,
        localization: itLocale,
        defaultDate: today,
        localization: itLocale


Everything in the picker is in Italian and as long as I select the date via the picker everything works. When I manually input a date in the input field, it gets reversed in "MM/DD/YYYY".

I then overrided the formatInput function with moment: picker.dates.formatInput = function(date) { { console.log("d1: ", date); return moment(date).format('DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm') } } but when I select the date via the picker date "date" field in this function is in correct, for example for today I get in the log: d1: Date Tue Jun 07 2022 13:30:06 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)

while manually inserting the date in "DD/MM/YYYY" format in the input field results in a date object in this function that is already wrong, for example if I change the date and insert tomorrow, I get: d1: Date Sat Aug 06 2022 01:30:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)

Being the date object already swapped the format function can't solve the problem. If the day is under 12 it formats the date in the wrong way, otherwise it gives an error. Because the date gets here already swapped as a Datetime object I guess there is some sort of conversion before this formatInput method gets activated.

I am attaching three screenshots to show you the sequence. In the first one I selected the date via the picker, in the second one I manually change the day and it shows just before I exit the field. The third one is what happens as soon as the field losts focus and the inputFormat gets activated.

Am I missing something? There should be something I didn't understand of the whole process.

one two three


Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

What I need people to do is take a look at this. I am trying to figure out if this code is smart enough to properly figure out a format string.

I added a textbox to make it easier to change what locale the code uses.

JerryBels commented 2 years ago


Looks good, I'd say

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

Please test this out

Please go to this stackblitz and try a couple of date/times and formats. I've borrowed a bunch of code from a dayjs plugin that allows you to provide a string date and a string (or array) of formats. The localization object will be updated with some defaults.

I don't know if I will use the guessing code from before or not.

If a couple of you can verify what this code does, I'll either add it directly the the DateTime object or it will be a plugin.

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

Okay, I tested a bunch of dates in my french browser. All good with the format provided. I think the best would be adding guess capabilities but allow for a format to be submitted as well to force the issue. Great work!

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

Thanks for helping me test this @JerryBels

How about it @duvel3 @eryx12o45 @DragosChirila @Konstanty @fgiamma ?

rmaspero commented 2 years ago

I agree with @JerryBels that being able to provide a format to force the issue would be useful.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

Hello @JerryBels, @duvel3 @eryx12o45 @DragosChirila @Konstanty @fgiamma, @rmaspero

I've created a branch to try and bring all this together. None en-US or ISO string formats will require a plugin.

Please check this stackblitz

jcompagner commented 2 years ago

hmm the picker will do its own formatting and parsing. We use already Luxon for that so i don't really need that this library also does its own thing again. So for me Point 1 would be fine, the only problem is that Point 1 must have a good implementation Which in the past we had (when it was config.hooks.parse/format) with the hooks it was a perfect setup for us without any problems what so ever. The problem started when it was not so obvious anymore what todo when the config.hooks where removed.

Overriding class functions is not ok, because formatting is a instance thing Overriding instance functions is also a problem because we are to late (we can only do this after construction but the constructor/init code can already hit parse code)

So for me, just bring back the hooks on the config (parse/format functions)., document that, and then it is very logical to use and no need to maintain any format/parse code what so ever in this component.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

@jcompagner if you look at the last comment of mine and the stackblitz I think you'll be interested in what I came up with.

Hooks are not coming back. There's easy ways to overwrite bits that don't work for you globally or per picker.

jcompagner commented 2 years ago

yeah i think that could also work for us, if we can overwrite it at class level but then get enough state through the config to do our own parsing at the instance.

So yes if we can set our format string in the config.localization and we can get that on the "this" again on in our format/parse functions then this could work but:

The problem i still have with overwriting classes is who will be able to do that, we have many packages that don't know each other and all of those packages could use in 1 form or the other a calendar. So who is going to overwrite it at the class level in this instance? is it Package 1? or is it Package 2?

What happens if i use another 3rd party thing that uses your component and does this overwrite? Then will be overwriting it again... or it depends who goes last..

So i still think i cant use this class level overwrite. i need it to be at the instance level. because i just can do this because i have no idea for which thing i would then also change it...

This override of classes is really a bad thing in some projects, that are really a lot of stand alone packages that don't know each other.. Right if you are in a small project and you dictated everything that it works fine. because there is only 1.. But for us that is just not the case

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

Sorry, was out in vacation... For me the last stackblitz seems to behave correctly.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

This is now in the v6 release. I need to write up examples and docs for the plugin.

hieplq commented 2 years ago

This is now in the v6 release. I need to write up examples and docs for the plugin.

clear button don't work with customDateFormat plugin, see example here https://stackblitz.com/edit/tempus-dominus-v6-simple-setup-import-hjto8w?file=index.js

reason by this logic

format(dateTime) {
        if (JSON.stringify(dateTime) === 'null')
            return 'Invalid Date';
Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

This is now in the v6 release. I need to write up examples and docs for the plugin.

clear button don't work with customDateFormat plugin, see example here https://stackblitz.com/edit/tempus-dominus-v6-simple-setup-import-hjto8w?file=index.js

reason by this logic

format(dateTime) {
        if (JSON.stringify(dateTime) === 'null')
            return 'Invalid Date';

Thanks I'll take a look

hieplq commented 2 years ago

This is now in the v6 release. I need to write up examples and docs for the plugin.

dates.parseInput isn't work with customDateFormat plugin

see https://stackblitz.com/edit/tempus-dominus-v6-simple-setup-import-hjto8w?file=index.js i add line datetimepicker1.dates.parseInput(new Date()); click change button get error this.errorMessages.customDateFormatError is not a function

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

I have a fix in but another npm package randomly disappeared and now github won't build the project. I'll try to get some time to fix this.

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

Hi 6.0.1 has been release. Please check that out @hieplq

aldak commented 2 years ago

Hello, I added property localization.format (format: 'dd.MM.yyyy') to configuration, but it doesn't work for me and instead of 02.09.2022 (2nd September) I got 09. 02. 2022. Could you advice me what is wrong in my code? Thanks for help


var td3 = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(datepickers[i],{ localization: { startOfTheWeek: 1, locale: 'cs', format: 'dd.MM.yyyy', }, display: { viewMode: 'calendar', components: { decades: true, year: true, month: true, date: true, clock: false, hours: false, minutes: false, seconds: false, useTwentyfourHour: true }, icons: { time: 'bi bi-clock', date: 'bi bi-calendar', close: 'bi bi-x-lg', next: 'bi bi-chevron-right', previous: 'bi bi-chevron-left', up: 'bi bi-caret-up-fill', down: 'bi bi-caret-down-fill', }, keepOpen: false, buttons: { close: true } } });


kilicabdulkadir commented 2 years ago

I don't know if I'm making a mistake somewhere, but it continues to give me an error in the same way.

my lang files

`const name = 'tr'; const localization = {

today: 'Bugün',
clear: 'Temizle',
close: 'Kapat',
selectMonth: 'Ay Seç',
previousMonth: 'Önceki Ay',
nextMonth: 'Sonraki Ay',
selectYear: 'Yıl Seç',
previousYear: 'Önceki Yıl',
nextYear: 'Sonraki Yıl',
selectDecade: 'Select Decade',
previousDecade: 'Previous Decade',
nextDecade: 'Next Decade',
previousCentury: 'Previous Century',
nextCentury: 'Next Century',
pickHour: 'Pick Hour',
incrementHour: 'Increment Hour',
decrementHour: 'Decrement Hour',
pickMinute: 'Pick Minute',
incrementMinute: 'Increment Minute',
decrementMinute: 'Decrement Minute',
pickSecond: 'Pick Second',
incrementSecond: 'Increment Second',
decrementSecond: 'Decrement Second',
toggleMeridiem: 'Toggle Meridiem',
selectTime: 'Select Time',
selectDate: 'Select Date',
dayViewHeaderFormat: {month: 'long', year: '2-digit'},
locale: 'tr',
startOfTheWeek: 0,
 * This is only used with the customDateFormat plugin
dateFormats: {
    LT: 'HH:mm',
    LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
    L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
    LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',
    LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
    LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
 * This is only used with the customDateFormat plugin
ordinal: (n) => n,
 * This is only used with the customDateFormat plugin
format: 'L'

}; export { localization, name }; `

I tried this

` tempusDominus.loadLocale(localization) tempusDominus.locale(name)

window.td = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(this, {
    display: {
        components: {
            decades: true,
            year: true,
            month: true,
            date: true,
            hours: false,
            minutes: false,
            seconds: false,

` My browser language (Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale) is "en-US"

When I use the selector, it works properly as DD.MM.YYYY, but when I manually input on it, the month and day are swapped. It changes month to day and day to month. (MM.DD.YYYY)

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

The docs have been updated with examples using the plugin. https://getdatepicker.com/6/plugins/customDateFormat.html

shamarin commented 2 years ago

The docs have been updated with examples using the plugin. https://getdatepicker.com/6/plugins/customDateFormat.html

Showing error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." My config: tempusDominus.extend(window.tempusDominus.plugins.customDateFormat); let dateTimePicker = document.getElementById('datetimepicker'); const picker = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(dateTimePicker, { localization: { format: 'dd-MM-yyyy', },});

Eonasdan commented 2 years ago

@shamarin Please make sure you have the latest version and that you've loaded the plugin. If you've done both of those things, please fork one of the example stackblitz

TiborBremer commented 2 years ago

Showing error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." My config: tempusDominus.extend(window.tempusDominus.plugins.customDateFormat); let dateTimePicker = document.getElementById('datetimepicker'); const picker = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(dateTimePicker, { localization: { format: 'dd-MM-yyyy', },});

@shamarin I also had this problem. After debugging I realized that I was also using localization:

import { localization } from "@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/locales/nl";
tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization = localization;

The problem is that this localization does not contain a format property and the check for know properties is done against DefaultOptions

So I solved it by adding tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization.format = "L";

JerryBels commented 2 years ago

@Eonasdan so I updated it on my main project, and everything works fine. Except that I have an issue. I'm building JS dependencies with Webpack (tried with Vite as well, same problem). So in my main JS file :

import tempusDominus from '@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/js/tempus-dominus';
import customDateFormat from '@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/plugins/customDateFormat';
window.tempusDominus = tempusDominus;

This will get compiled into a single JS file along with the rest of my imports. The issue is, each import is "isolated" from the rest of the code, which usually works great. But here when opening a page with a datepicker, I get Uncaught TypeError: this.errorMessages.customDateFormatError is not a function . I did a little digging and indeed, this function is defined in another isolated part of the code so this won't do. After that everything works pretty much seamlessly, though.

Anyway, you got any idea how I could fix this? And thanks for the plugin, you rock :)

TiborBremer commented 2 years ago

@JerryBels The problem is webpack assuming customDateFormat has a default export. If you look in the compiled code it is looking something like the following

const tempusDominus_1 = require('webpackCache.... @eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/js/tempus-dominus');
const customDateFormat_1 = require('webpackCache....@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/plugins/customDateFormat');


I solved it by doing import * as customDateFormat from "@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/plugins/customDateFormat"; This way webpack compiled it as

const tempusDominus_1 = require('webpackCache.... @eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/js/tempus-dominus');
const customDateFormat_1 = require('webpackCache....@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/plugins/customDateFormat');

shamarin commented 2 years ago

Showing error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." My config: tempusDominus.extend(window.tempusDominus.plugins.customDateFormat); let dateTimePicker = document.getElementById('datetimepicker'); const picker = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(dateTimePicker, { localization: { format: 'dd-MM-yyyy', },});

@shamarin I also had this problem. After debugging I realized that I was also using localization:

import { localization } from "@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/locales/nl";
tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization = localization;

The problem is that this localization does not contain a format property and the check for know properties is done against DefaultOptions

So I solved it by adding tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization.format = "L";

@Eonasdan An error occures if to set default location globally tempusDominus.locale(tempusDominus.locales.ru.name) And in this case an error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." appear. Seams that this option rewrites settings globally. Found that tempusDominus.locale(tempusDominus.locales.ru.name) need to be executed after tempusDominus constructer (just after const picker = new tempusDominus). Thus no error occured and everything works well.

shamarin commented 2 years ago

Showing error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." My config: tempusDominus.extend(window.tempusDominus.plugins.customDateFormat); let dateTimePicker = document.getElementById('datetimepicker'); const picker = new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(dateTimePicker, { localization: { format: 'dd-MM-yyyy', },});

@shamarin I also had this problem. After debugging I realized that I was also using localization:

import { localization } from "@eonasdan/tempus-dominus/dist/locales/nl";
tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization = localization;

The problem is that this localization does not contain a format property and the check for know properties is done against DefaultOptions So I solved it by adding tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization.format = "L";

@Eonasdan An error occures if to set default location globally tempusDominus.locale(tempusDominus.locales.ru.name) And in this case an error "Uncaught Error: TD:: "localization.format" in not a known option." appear. Seams that this option rewrites settings globally. Found that tempusDominus.locale(tempusDominus.locales.ru.name) need to be executed after tempusDominus constructer (just after const picker = new tempusDominus). Thus no error occured and everything works well.

With new build it's fixed.

mvxproject commented 1 year ago

this.errorMessages.customDateFormatError is not a function

still occurring in v6.2.6.

To reproduce:

in the example: https://getdatepicker.com/6/plugins/customDateFormat.html

enter an invalid date in the picker textbox.


Eonasdan commented 1 year ago

@mvxproject this is fixed in the 2693-customdateformat-shows-undefined-when-you-manually-erase-the-date branch. It will properly return an error that the entered text does not meet the format requirements

albanafmeti commented 1 year ago


Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 1 57 23 PM

I can't make this plugin work on my inputs. They interfere at each other.

export const dateTimePicker = (elementId, mergeConfig) => {
    mergeConfig = {
        viewMode: 'calendar',
        ...(mergeConfig || {})
    const td = new TempusDominus(document.querySelector(elementId), {
        defaultDate: mergeConfig.defaultDate,
        allowInputToggle: true,
        display: {
            viewMode: mergeConfig.viewMode,
            components: {
                calendar: mergeConfig.viewMode === 'calendar',
                clock: mergeConfig.viewMode === 'clock',
                seconds: false,
            theme: 'light'
        localization: {
            dateFormats: mergeConfig.dateFormats || ['YYYY-MM-DD'],
            format: mergeConfig.format || 'YYYY-MM-DD',
            hourCycle: 'h12'
        restrictions: {
            minDate: mergeConfig.minDate,
            maxDate: mergeConfig.maxDate,
        useCurrent: mergeConfig.useCurrent !== false

    td.dates.formatInput = function (date) { { return window.moment(date).format(mergeConfig.format || 'YYYY-MM-DD') } }
    return td;

I tried with td.dates.formatInput and it still does not work. The configs interfere at each other.

        let startDate = moment(this.start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss').toDate();
        const today = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

        let d = startDate;
        let dayBeforeStartDate = (today <= d) ? today : d;

        const startDatePicker = dateTimePicker('#starting-date-input', {
            defaultDate: startDate,
            minDate: dayBeforeStartDate,
            format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
        startDatePicker.subscribe('change.td', (event) => {
            this.start_date = moment(event.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
        const hoursFromPicker = dateTimePicker('#hours-from', {
            format: 'LT',
            viewMode: 'clock',
            defaultDate: this.work_hours_from
        hoursFromPicker.subscribe("change.td", (event) => {
            this.work_hours_from = moment(event.date).format('LT');

        const hoursToPicker = dateTimePicker('#hours-to', {
            format: 'LT',
            viewMode: 'clock',
            defaultDate: this.work_hours_to
        hoursToPicker.subscribe("change.td", (event) => {
            this.work_hours_to = moment(event.date).format('LT');

It's weird for me how could a simple thing be so complex.

Can you help?

Eonasdan commented 1 year ago

@albanafmeti please open a new issue.