Eonasdan / tempus-dominus

A powerful Date/time picker widget.
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updateOptions changing theme not working #2896

Closed stijn7621 closed 4 months ago

stijn7621 commented 4 months ago


Describe the issue

After I try to toggle the theme from 'light' to eg. 'dark' using the updateoptions function within one of the subscribed events it seems not to be updating the datepicker itself.

StackBlitz fork


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William-H-M commented 4 months ago

Can you please show us how you're doing it?

Because the way I'm doing it works as expected, this is the way:

import { TempusDominus } from '@eonasdan/tempus-dominus';

const changeOptionsButton = document.getElementById('changeOptions');
const settingOptionsPicker = new TempusDominus(
    display: {
      theme: 'dark', //default theme

let on = false;
changeOptionsButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    display: {
      theme: on ? 'dark' : 'light',
  on = !on;

You can try this code either in the StackBlitz or in the REPL , in both should work

stijn7621 commented 4 months ago

Check example https://stackblitz.com/edit/tempus-dominus-v6-simple-setup-z8sshh?file=index.html

William-H-M commented 4 months ago

Ok I can see kinda what's different with yours, thing is the event you're subscribing to is done after the display so it kinda doesn't render the way you want to.

You can see that the shown event happens first than the click event add this line

element.addEventListener("show.td", (e) => console.log("displayed"))

It's a weird way for you to do it, as the change of the is usually dependent on another button and not directly done when clicked on the display element.

Anyway, I consider this to be a non issue, @Eonasdan may close this