Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AutoGym "All" issue #309

Closed TirOFlanc closed 11 months ago

TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

For my part, I no longer have the "All" option in the Gyms drop-down menu.


umbralOptimatum commented 1 year ago

This is intended behavior in the latest version. Sacrificed to improve performance.

TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

So it will no longer be possible to automatically do the whole league or will another system be implemented soon ?

umbralOptimatum commented 1 year ago

Unless someone else wants to finish the feature, probably not. The autoclicker is now very closely integrated with the game's built-in gym restart feature and it really is not designed expecting you to switch gyms in the middle. I don't want to risk subtle bugs from the game not resetting some gym-specific variable.

Personally, I also think it's just outside the scope of this sort of script. Idle games have very little gameplay outside choosing which task to idle at. The script automates mindless idling tasks (here, clicking the start gym button), but the player has to set up the task (choosing a gym). Making the script switch gyms automatically means taking over more of the player's gameplay than I'm comfortable with. And unlike the more-obviously-cheatlike auto dungeon, looping over gyms isn't useful enough for me to test all the side effects of automating behavior the game doesn't expect.

TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

I feel like we didn't understand each other.

The point of the "All" option was not to do the different gyms in a row, and in a way, effectively, play in the player's place, but to do, for example, all five Pokémon league trainers in a row and in a loop, instead of just choosing one at a time.

Did we agree?

TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

I'm not talking about this feature : https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/pull/240 image

umbralOptimatum commented 1 year ago

Yes, we're talking about the same thing. While the main games that Pokeclicker is emulating treats each pokemon league as one entity to be fought sequentially, Pokeclicker treats them as separate gym battles. From a flavor perspective it would make sense to fight them all in a row, but that's not the way the main game is set up, so I'm hesitant to have the script do it. (And a looping feature would also loop in areas with multiple separate gyms, where the flavor reason doesn't make sense.)

At some point I'll be adding a chest-rarity filter to the auto dungeon so I might look at looping through gyms then, but again, no promises.

Ephenia commented 1 year ago

I just wanted to add that the main reason why I had initially put in the All for Auto Gym was to be a thing that could help with achievements, but also kinda making it easier to battle through the E4 members. I didn't really see why else anyone would use it except for the achievement part mostly, but yeah. If Auto Achievements can get added sometime down along the line, then I don't think it's too bad of a loss or anything.