Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Auto hatchery #333

Closed NicoTine34 closed 11 months ago

NicoTine34 commented 11 months ago

Auto hatchery is not working after the update. image

NicoTine34 commented 11 months ago

Auto-mine too if you dont have restores.

umbralOptimatum commented 11 months ago

Please provide browser, browser version, game version, and what scripts you are using. In what way does it not work? Does opening the hatchery menu have any effect? Are any other parts of the game visibly not working properly? What do you see if you open the console and filter for warnings and errors?

NicoTine34 commented 11 months ago

Im using last desktop version with all scripts. No errors in console. Im just turning the Auto Hatch On and the eggs are stuck in hatchery. I need to click Off then On to hatch them.

cayorangel commented 11 months ago

having the same issue here

umbralOptimatum commented 11 months ago

I'm unable to reproduce the hatchery issues. When you load the game, is the auto hatchery off or on? Does toggling off/on once fix it or do you have to do that every time? Can you take a screenshot of the console log? What does the following code output when run in the console?

for (const setting of ['autoHatchState', 'autoEgg', 'autoFossil', 'shinyFossil', 'pokerusModeState']) {
    console.log(setting + ' ' + localStorage.getItem(setting));

Likewise need much more information for the auto mine issues.

cayorangel commented 11 months ago

when i load the game, it is on


the hatchery looks like this


then i have to turn off and on to work again everytime, it doesn't fix it


that's my console log

image image

and the screenshot when i try to run the code in console


hope it helps, i know nothing about coding, just love the game

umbralOptimatum commented 11 months ago

oops made a typo in that code snippet

I see the issue though: Perky Pokerus Pandemic is overwriting something the Auto Hatchery needs. Disable that script and it should work fine while I come up with a patch. (And try out the new hatchery pokerus mode meanwhile!)

cayorangel commented 11 months ago

disabling Perky Pokerus Pandemic worked