Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting shards quickly #368

Open GammaRex opened 6 months ago

GammaRex commented 6 months ago

I was just wondering if there is any way for you to be able to add to the debug cheat tools the ability to give yourself underground items, including shards and other items?

JohnyDL commented 2 months ago

By the time you need this if you have AutoMine and AutoFullRestore running in the background you can get a lot of shards without debugging, doubly so if you also pay attention to the daily deals and chaining, today for example I could get 17000 Yellow shards and I haven't even been trying to chain into those.

I know there's a script for debug adding berries elsewhere but I think this git is more about tool assist rather than out-right cheating which is why that hasn't been included, though the line is different for each person... I think the console code you would want to run would be player.gainItem("XXXX_shard", YYYYY) it would give you Y of X shards I think but I make no promises it'll work or won't bork your game in some way.