Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autoclicker efficiency in Unova #369

Open dragons-childe opened 5 months ago

dragons-childe commented 5 months ago

I'm currently using the desktop client, have reached close to the end of Unova, and the autoclicker efficiency seems to be dropping significantly (before it had no issues reaching 100% efficiency on routes, now it struggles to reach above 50% on routes).

I have completed the Gale of Darkness bulletin board quest, and have a lot of unpurified shadow Pokemon as a result - I'm wondering if the gain of Flow is causing the issue, as nothing else has changed, and using the Script FixerUpper has had no effect.

The autoclicker doesn't appear to have the same issue in dungeons or gyms, but those situations are naturally slower to complete and thus easier to maintain efficiency on. Reducing the clicks/second to 20/s seems to bring the efficiency back up, so the only thing I can think is the Flow gain is interfering with the script.

Hope I've given enough information, if not please let me know and I'll see if I can provide further details.

umbralOptimatum commented 5 months ago

Is the efficiency drop still present if you go back to earlier regions? I've noticed that later regions have worse performance when clicking (possibly because of more potential spawns per route) but I haven't been able to find a direct cause.

If fewer clicks/s leads to defeating fewer enemies/s, it makes sense for that to improve efficiency, but doesn't tell us much other than it being related to defeating or generating new pokemon. The purification chamber isn't related, not having shadow pokemon would actually make it run marginally slower.

The next game version will apparently noticeably improve click performance, so hopefully that will help address this.

dragons-childe commented 5 months ago

Just tested this, and the efficiency drop is still present - it seems to hover around 38-45% regardless of region, with occasional rises to between 50-60%.

JohnyDL commented 2 months ago

I'm getting between 50% and 75% everywhere (with more in later regions) and I have for a long while now.... I don't know if it's later regions or simply having more pokemon, with every ko you have some pokemon level up or move to the hatchery or hatch so I would bet it's recalculating the damage per click each time, with 150-300 pokemon that's relatively easy, but later regions have more forms, more pokemon and you hatch more often/level up further/faster.

I have 1300 pokemon right now, that's 1300 bool checks for "is this level 100 or can it gain XP" then however many XP gains, recalculating the damage outputs of pokemon that gained levels summing the resulting damage output (and typing deltas), JS isn't the most efficient anyway and running a couple million lines of JS every second is probably at the limits of some people's computers. As a result the efficiency drops.

It's kind of not worth it for the base game to deal with that inefficiency right now cause the only people it effects are those using Tool Assist, the game's perfectly capable of running at 60FPS with ~20 human clicks per second,