Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
184 stars 263 forks source link

Last commit (Merge pull request #381) make almost everything stop working #386

Closed Orbital-fury closed 4 months ago

Orbital-fury commented 4 months ago

Since the last commit (https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/commit/b6f0adb5c89c40effa5f99abc54eae3bdb3d25e7), almost every script seem to not be loaded. I am playing pokeclicker on brower, last version of firefox, W11, using tampermonkey.

I had to disable auto-update on tampermonkey and reload the previous version of all scripts I used (all classic scripts and only 1 custom: auto quest completer).

It seems only enhanced auto clicker was still working. For sure: additional visual settings doesn't work for me. Same with auto battle items, enhanced auto hatchery, simple auto farmer. I didn't check the others. I guess the scripts are not loaded because I can't see the button it should create.

Am I alone with this problem ?

ToasterGod commented 4 months ago

yeah I'm experiencing the same issues although I don't know how to roll the broken scripts back

CrazyPieGuy commented 4 months ago

I am having the same issue with the Auto Hatchery, Auto Farmer, and Auto Miner. Using the latest version of Firefox, W10, and tampermonkey.

Lapbunny commented 4 months ago

Same issue here - latest version of Chrome, W10, tampermonkey.

umbralOptimatum commented 4 months ago

The update earlier today fixes this issue, so if you're still seeing it make sure to update your scripts. (Except for Additional Visual Settings which is waiting for another fix to be merged.)