Ephenia / Pokeclicker-Scripts

Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New Auto Dungeon feature: complete dungeon before turning off #394

Closed umbralOptimatum closed 2 months ago

umbralOptimatum commented 2 months ago

Added a new Auto Dungeon feature: the script will now complete the current dungeon when you turn it off, rather than stopping mid-dungeon. No more trying to click the button right when fighting the boss! Clicking the button a second time stops exploration immediately, and there's a setting in the settings menu to disable this delayed-stop mode.

I also tweaked the various mode buttons to enable or disable other modes as relevant.

Thanks to @JohnyDL for the inspiration to finish implementing this (#392).

JohnyDL commented 2 months ago

Occurs to me something similar for ending Safari might be useful too >_< sorry I probably should have thought of that sooner

umbralOptimatum commented 2 months ago

Good point, timing exiting is even more annoying for that script thanks to the messy safari UI. Added, simple enough.