Originally, we had some extra comorbities for the EE form which seem to have dropped off. Can you please add to the top of the list of comorbities:
“Developmental delay prior to seizure onset” as a Comorbidity with the options "Yes", "No" and "Unknown". If yes is selected, “Type of delay” to appear with the options "Motor", "Speech and Language", "Global" and "Unknown"
“Regression/plateau” as a Comorbidity with the options "Yes", "No" and "Unknown". If yes is selected, “Age at regression in months if known” to appear with a free text field to enter the age.
If yes selected to "Intellectual disability", “Degree of intellectual disability” to appear with drop down options of “mild", "moderate", "severe", "profound" and "cannot classify”
Originally, we had some extra comorbities for the EE form which seem to have dropped off. Can you please add to the top of the list of comorbities: