Epi25 / epi25-edc

CRF design for Epi25 collaborative
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List of ethnicities for all forms #42

Closed BrigidRegan closed 8 years ago

BrigidRegan commented 9 years ago

Please change the ethnicity options to: Hispanic or Latino origin Not of Hispanic or Latino origin

rolandkrause commented 9 years ago

Changing the layout of race and ethnicity will void all entries made for this respective fields so far. Should we go back to re-entry or preserve the records?

rolandkrause commented 9 years ago

You can check the current implementation in the "alternative" GGE project (https://redcap.uni.lu/redcap/redcap_v6.5.4/index.php?pid=62)

I can replace the race/ethnicity set-up from here.

BrigidRegan commented 9 years ago

I have no experience in this area and do not want to offend anyone! I have spoken to a few people and read up on this so hopefully this is correct now:

BrigidRegan commented 9 years ago

Think it is fine to lose this data on the 20 odd that have already been entered

rolandkrause commented 9 years ago

The common data elements from the NINDS recommendation asks for labeling this ethnicity and race respectively (which I find offensively worded too btw). Note that far fewer "races" are indicated. I would probably favor a smaller set but that we might have to discuss at some point.


rolandkrause commented 9 years ago

I have done the changes as suggested and would prefer to add "not reported".

BrigidRegan commented 9 years ago

Thanks - agree adding 'not reported' as an option is a good idea

rolandkrause commented 9 years ago

Changed in the GGE onset suggestion form.